TcxHyperLinkEdit Class
An unbound hyperlink editor.
TcxHyperLinkEdit = class(
The hyperlink editor allows a user to edit text and display it as a hyperlink. A click or double click on the hyperlink activates the default web browser on a user’s system. The hyperlink editor also allows a user to execute a system command if it can be recognized (for example, open a file or run a program).
The editor’s Properties.SingleClick property specifies the hyperlink editor behavior. If the Properties.SingleClick property is set to True, a user can execute the command typed in the edit box with a mouse button click. If a Properties.SingleClick property value is False, the editor activates the command when a user double-clicks in the edit box. A user can also press the keystroke specified in the Properties.StartKey property to execute the command.
When a user hovers over the enabled hyperlink editor’s, the mouse pointer automatically changes to an upward pointing hand (that is, the screen‘s Cursor property is set to cr
The TcxHyperLinkEdit class members allow you to do the following:
Access the editor’s appearance and behavior settings (ActiveProperties and Properties).
Specify the displayed text (Text).
Set a text hint for the hyperlink editor with an unassigned edit value (TextHint).
Manage text selection (SelStart, SelLength, SelText, SetSelection, SelectAll, and ClearSelection).
Play the default system sound when a user confirms the entry (BeepOnEnter).
Discard user changes (Undo).
Specify style settings for the editor in different states (Style, StyleDisabled, StyleFocused, StyleHot, and Styles).
Set a repository item (RepositoryItem).