TcxDBTrackBar Class
Represents the data-aware version of the TcxTrackBar.
TcxDBTrackBar = class(
The TcxDBTrackBar is a data-aware version of the track bar editor. Almost every aspect of the control’s visualization can be controlled through the Properties of the control.
The main features of the advanced progress bar are listed below:
Vertical orientation support (see the Properties.Orientation and Properties.TextOrientation properties description for details);
Track bar thumb managing (see the Properties.AutoSize, Properties.ThumbColor, Properties.ThumbHeight, Properties.ThumbHighlightColor, Properties.ThumbWidth properties description for details);
Track bar ticks managing (see the Properties.TickColor, Properties.TickMarks, Properties.TickSize, Properties.TickType properties description for details).
The data-aware functionality of the TcxDBTrackBar is encapsulated in the DataBinding property. It allows you to specify DataSource and DataField to which the editor is bound.
This database field must contain integer values. These field values are interpreted as the position of the track bar thumb and they must not exceed the limits specified by the Properties.Max and Properties.Min properties.
In addition to track bar editors, you can use zoom track bar editors, which display two adjacent scale ranges with individual settings, providing more granular control over thumb movements.