EditorStyles Properties
Contains settings that allow the appearance of specific editor elements to be defined.
Name | Description |
Binary |
Gets the style settings that define the binary image appearance. |
Binary |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of binary image button panel buttons. |
Binary |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image button panel. |
Binary |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image drop zone. |
Binary |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image empty value text. |
Button |
Gets the style settings that define a button editor’s appearance. |
Button |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s buttons. |
Button |
Specifies the spacing between editor buttons, and between buttons and editor borders. |
Button |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Clear button. |
Calendar | Gets the style settings that define the calendar’s appearance. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s buttons. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s cell. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s disabled cell. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the a cell that doesn’t refer to the current period (month, year, century). |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of cells that are out of the specified range (ASPx |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a selected cell. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s days. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s disabled day. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s section that displays the day of the week. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s other month days. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s days that don’t belong to the date range allowed for selection. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s selected day. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s weekend days. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the footer section displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the header section displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation area. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area’s item. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area’s items that belong to the neighboring period. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the months displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the calendar fast navigation panel’s section that displays months. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the years displayed in the calendar’s fast navigation panel. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the calendar fast navigation panel’s section that displays years. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s footer section. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s header section. |
Calendar |
Gets the padding settings for a calendar’s month grid. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar day that corresponds to today’s date. |
Calendar |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s week numbers. |
Check |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box. |
Check |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box when it is focused. |
Check |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box list. |
Check |
Gets the style settings that define a checkbox editor’s appearance. |
Color |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a color indicator. |
Color |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s color picker. |
Color |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s color table. |
Color |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a color table’s cell. |
Css |
Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance.
Inherited from Styles |
Css |
Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control.
Inherited from Styles |
Date |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a clock cell. |
Date |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a clock cell. |
Decrement |
Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to display the spin editor’s small decrement buttons. |
Display |
Gets the style settings that define an editor’s color indicator appearance. |
Drop |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Apply button. |
Drop |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Close button. |
Drop |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the drop down window. |
Enable |
Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance.
Inherited from Styles |
Enable |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an editor in a focused state is dispalyed by using the specified style settings. |
Focused | Gets the style settings defining the editors’ appearance in the focused state. |
Hyperlink | Gets the style settings that define a hyperlink editor’s appearance. |
Image | Gets the style settings that define an image editor’s appearance. |
Increment |
Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s increment buttons. |
Invalid | Gets the style settings defining the editors’ appearance in the invalid state. |
Label | Gets the style settings that define a label control’s appearance. |
Large |
Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s large decrement button. |
Large |
Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s large increment button. |
List |
Gets the style settings that define a list box editor’s appearance. |
List |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the filter area in the list box. |
List |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the filter editor in the list box. |
List |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a list editor’s items. |
List |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the list box’s “Select All” element. |
Loading |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a loading div element. |
Loading |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a loading panel. |
Mask |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of mask hints within editors. |
Memo | Gets the style settings that define a memo editor’s appearance. |
Native | Gets or sets a value specifying whether an editor (or each DevExpress editor of a control to which the current setting is applied) is rendered using the corresponding native HTML element. |
Null |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the prompt text. |
Progress |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a progress bar control used for in-place editing |
Progress |
Gets the style settings that define the progress bar indicator‘s appearance. |
Radio |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a radio button. |
Radio |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a radio button when it is focused. |
Radio |
Gets the style settings that define a radio button list control’s appearance. |
Read |
Gets the style settings that define an editor’s appearance in the disabled state. |
Read |
Obsolete. Gets style settings for the read-only editor state. |
Spin |
Obsolete. Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the editor’s spin buttons. |
Spin |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s small decrement button. |
Spin |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s small increment button. |
Spin |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s large decrement button. |
Spin |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s large increment button. |
Style | Gets the editor style settings. |
Text |
Gets the style settings that define a textbox editor’s appearance. |
Theme |
Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control.
Inherited from Styles |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s input area. |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s token when it is hovered by a pointer. |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s remove button when it is hovered by a pointer. |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s remove button. |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s token. |
Token |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s text. |
Track |
Gets the style settings that define a track bar editor’s appearance. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s bar highlight. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s decrement button. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s increment button. |
Track |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar items. |
Track |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar large ticks. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale label when it is shown at the left or top side of the control. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s main drag handle. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale label when it is shown at the right or bottom side of the control. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s secondary drag handle. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the selected item within a track bar. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the selected tick within a track bar. |
Track |
Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar small ticks. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s track. |
Track |
Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s value tooltip. |
See Also