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Spin Editor Elements

This topic describes the visible ASPxSpinEdit elements. Each section contains a screenshot and a brief overview of the element’s function.


The following visual elements are available.

#Large Increment Buttons

The Large Increment Buttons change the current editor’s value with a large step that is defined by the ASPxSpinEdit.LargeIncrement property value.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Visibility SpinButtons.ShowLargeIncrementButtons
Appearance ASPxSpinEdit.LargeDecrementButtonStyle,ASPxSpinEdit.LargeIncrementButtonStyle
Layout Spacing, EditButton.Position
Images SpinButtons.LargeDecrementImage,SpinButtons.LargeIncrementImage
Width EditButton.Width
Availability EditButton.Enabled

#Small Increment Buttons

The Small Increment Buttons change the current editor’s value with a step that is defined by the ASPxSpinEdit.Increment property value.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Visibility SpinButtons.ShowIncrementButtons
Appearance ASPxSpinEditBase.DecrementButtonStyle,ASPxSpinEditBase.IncrementButtonStyle
Layout Spacing, EditButton.Position
Images SpinButtons.DecrementImage,SpinButtons.IncrementImage
Width EditButton.Width
Availability EditButton.Enabled