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TimeSpanMaskOptions Attached Properties

Contains settings specific to TimeSpan masks.
Name Description
AllowNegativeValue static Specifies whether the editor allows entering negative values. This is an attached property.
AssignValueToEnteredLiteral static Specifies whether the editor should assign the entered value to a mask part that corresponds to the first symbol of the entered literal. This is an attached property.
ChangeNextPartOnCycleValueChange static Specifies whether to change the next mask part when increasing or decreasing the current mask part out of a valid range. This is an attached property.
DefaultPart static Specifies the mask part (minutes, seconds, etc.) to which the entered numeric value is assigned if the editor’s edit value is empty. This is an attached property.
HideInsignificantPartsOnly static Specifies whether the editor displays optional empty parts that may affect the value readability. This is an attached property.
InputMode static Specifies how the time span mask restricts entering large numeric values in mask parts. This is an attached property.
ResetPartsOnSelectAllInput static Specifies whether the editor clears all value parts when a user selects all text and enters a new value. This is an attached property.
See Also