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BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider.CalculateIsochroneByTime(RouteWaypoint, Int32) Method

Calculates an isochrone based on a specified travel time.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map


public void CalculateIsochroneByTime(
    RouteWaypoint waypoint,
    int maxTime


Name Type Description
waypoint RouteWaypoint

Specifies an origin point’s coordinates.

maxTime Int32

Specifies the maximum travel time in which the isochrone polygon is calculated. The default measurement unit is second. Use the BingRouteIsochroneOptions.TimeUnit property to define the measurement unit.


You can specify the following parameters to calculate a time-based isochrone:


The following example plots a polygon that shows the area that is accessible from the specified point. The size of the area depends on a given travel time (the time is equal to 10 minutes in the example below):

Time-based isochrone

using DevExpress.XtraMap;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace IsochroneSample {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            ImageLayer imageLayer = new ImageLayer();
            BingMapDataProvider provider = new BingMapDataProvider();
            provider.BingKey = "Insert your Bing key.";
            provider.Kind = BingMapKind.RoadLight;
            imageLayer.DataProvider = provider;

            InformationLayer infoLayer = new InformationLayer();

            BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider isochroneDataProvider = new BingRouteIsochroneDataProvider();
            isochroneDataProvider.BingKey = "Insert your Bing key.";
            GeoPoint origin = new GeoPoint(36.1532403246368, -86.7701703811725);
            mapControl1.CenterPoint = origin;
            isochroneDataProvider.IsochroneOptions.TimeUnit = TimeMeasureUnit.Minute;
            isochroneDataProvider.IsochroneOptions.Mode = BingTravelMode.Driving;
            isochroneDataProvider.CalculateIsochroneByTime(new RouteWaypoint("", origin), 10);
            infoLayer.DataProvider = isochroneDataProvider;

            infoLayer.DataRequestCompleted += OnDataRequestCompleted;

        private void OnDataRequestCompleted(object sender, RequestCompletedEventArgs e) {
            // Call the ZoomToFitLayerItems method to zoom the map so that it displays the created isochrone.
See Also