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ImageEditToEditModeBehavior.CustomEditMenuItems Event

Allows you to change items displayed in the ImageEdit edit menu.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public event EventHandler<CustomEditMenuItemsEventArgs> CustomEditMenuItems

Event Data

The CustomEditMenuItems event's data class is CustomEditMenuItemsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
EditMenuItems Gets or sets a collection of items displayed in the ImageEdit edit menu.


The CustomEditMenuItems event occurs when the editor is displayed (if ShowMenuMode is set to Always) or each time the edit menu is shown (if ShowMenuMode is set to Hover). This event allows you to add and remove buttons.

The following code sample removes zoom-related buttons (Zoom In and Zoom Out) and adds confirmation buttons (OK and Cancel):

ImageEdit EditMode - Customize Buttons

void editBehavior_CustomEditMenuItems(object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.CustomEditMenuItemsEventArgs e) {

    // Remove Zoom buttons:
    var items = ((ImageEditToEditModeBehavior)sender).EditMenuItems;
    foreach (var item in items) {
        if (item is ImageEditToolButtonInfo button 
            && button.Command == ((ImageEditToEditModeBehavior)sender).ZoomCommand)

    // Add OK and Cancel buttons:
    e.EditMenuItems.Add(new ImageEditToolSeparatorInfo());
    e.EditMenuItems.Add(new ImageEditToolButtonInfo() {
        Glyph = ImageEditToolButtonHelper.ImageIdToImageSource("ok"),
        ToolTip = "OK",
        Command = new DelegateCommand(Confirm)
    e.EditMenuItems.Add(new ImageEditToolButtonInfo() {
        Glyph = ImageEditToolButtonHelper.ImageIdToImageSource("cancel"),
        ToolTip = "Cancel",
        Command = new DelegateCommand(Close)

The CustomEditMenuItems event does not allow you to change items defined through the MenuTemplate property.

See Also