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UTMCartesianToGeoConverter Properties

Converter that transforms data from the Universal Transverse Mercator projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

Name Description
Ellipsoid Returns the ellipsoid used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
FalseEasting Returns the false easting used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
FalseNorthing Returns the false northing used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
Hemisphere Gets or sets the hemisphere type used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
ProjectionCenter Returns the central meridian and the latitude of the projection’s origin used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
ScaleFactor Returns the scale factor used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
UtmZone Gets or sets the UTM zone used to convert the UTM projected coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.
See Also