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Bar.CanDockStyle Property

Gets or sets a value specifying the manner in which a bar can be docked.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll


public BarCanDockStyle CanDockStyle { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
BarCanDockStyle All

A set of flags specifying the manner in which a bar can be docked.

Available values:

Name Description

Allows a Bar control to float.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to the left side of the owner control.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to the top of the owner control.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to the right side of the owner control.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to the bottom of the owner control.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to a StandaloneBarDockControl control.


Allows a Bar control to be docked to all sides of the owner control. Additionally, the Bar control can be in a floating state.


The CanDockStyle property contains a set of BarCanDockStyle enumeration members. For instance, if it contains ‘Floating|Right’, a bar can only float and be docked to the right side of the owner control.

See Also