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TdxSpreadSheetTableView Methods

A worksheet type (View) designed for tabular data visualization and processing.
Name Description
AddArrayFormula(string,string) Creates a new array formula expression at the specified cell range.
AddArrayFormula(string,TRect) Creates a new array formula expression in the specified cell range.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Disables repainting operations for the worksheet area displayed by the Spreadsheet control. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView.
CanClearCells Identifies if it is possible to clear the current cell selection.
CanClearCells(string) Identifies if is possible to clear the specified cell range.
CanClearCells(TRect) Identifies if it is possible to clear the specified cell range.
CanCopyToClipboard Identifies if it is possible to copy the worksheet’s content to the clipboard.
CanCutToClipboard Identifies if it is possible to move the worksheet’s content to the clipboard.
CanDelete Identifies if users can delete cell data from the worksheet.
CanDelete(TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) Identifies if users can delete cell data from the worksheet.
CanDeleteComments Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the worksheet.
CanDeleteComments(string) Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the specified cell range.
CanDeleteComments(TRect) Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the specified cell range.
CanDeleteHyperlink Identifies if an end-user can remove a hyperlink.
CanEditComment Identifies if it is possible to edit comment containers within the worksheet.
CanEditContainers Identifies if an end-user can create and/or delete floating containers. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView.
CanFillData Returns a value indicating whether the AutoFill functionality is currently available.
CanInsert Identifies if users can insert cell data to the worksheet.
CanInsert(TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) Identifies if users can insert columns or rows to the worksheet.
CanInsertCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) Identifies if it is possible to insert cells into the specified cell range.
CanInsertCells(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) Identifies if it is possible to insert cells into the specified cell range.
CanMergeSelected Identifies whether the currently selected cell range can be merged into a single cell.
CanModifyDataInArea(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode) Identifies if it is possible to change values within the specified cell range.
CanPasteFromClipboard(TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) Identifies if it is possible to insert the clipboard’s content to the worksheet.
CanSort Identifies if it is possible to sort cell values.
CanSplitSelected Identifies whether the currently selected merged cell object can be split into ordinary cells.
CellAtPoint(TPoint,TdxSpreadSheetCell,Boolean,Boolean) Returns a cell object located at the specified position.
CellAtPoint(TPoint,Integer,Integer,Boolean,Boolean) Identifies a cell located at the specified position.
ClearCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewClearCellsOptions) Clears the specified cell range.
ClearCellValues Clears all values from the current cell selection.
CopyCellDataToStream(string,TStream) Copies cell values and formatting from the cell range specified in A1 format to a stream.
CopyCellDataToStream(TRect,TStream) Copies cell values and formatting from the specified cell range to a stream.
CopyToClipboard Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
CreateCell(Integer,Integer) Returns an underlying cell object of a cell at the specified position in the worksheet.
CutToClipboard Moves the current selection to the clipboard.
DeleteAllCells Removes all cell objects from the worksheet.
DeleteCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) Deletes the current cell selection or a specified cell range.
DeleteColumns(Integer,Integer) Removes a specified number of columns starting from a designated column.
DeleteComments(TRect) Deletes all comment containers within the current selection or a designated cell range.
DeleteHyperlink Deletes a hyperlink.
DeleteRows(Integer,Integer) Removes a specified number of rows starting from a designated row.
EditComment Invokes the Customize Object dialog window with the active Text tab for a comment container.
EditHyperlink Invokes the Edit Hyperlink dialog.
EndUpdate Enables repainting operations for the worksheet after a BeginUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FillData(TRect,TcxDirection,Integer) Populates cells from the specified source.
ForEachCell(string,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewForEachCellProc,Boolean) Performs a specific set of actions on all populated cells within a specific portion of the Table View worksheet.
FreezeColumns(string) Immobilizes one or more sequential worksheet columns at the left border of the Spreadsheet control’s content area.
FreezePanes(Integer,Integer) Freezes the specified numbers of rows and columns at the top and left edges of the Table View worksheet.
FreezeRows(Integer) Prevents one or more sequential rows from scrolling, immobilizing them at the top border of the Table View worksheet.
GetCellData(Integer,Integer) protected Returns the stored data obtained from a specific worksheet cell.
GetCellValue(Integer,Integer,Variant,TdxSpreadSheetFormulaErrorCode) Obtains both the value and error code of a cell within the Table View worksheet.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetMaxColumnIndex protected Returns the index of the last column in the Table View worksheet.
GetMaxRowIndex protected Returns the index of the last row in the Table View worksheet.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetNextColumnWithNonEmptyCell(Integer,Integer,Boolean) protected Returns an index of the nearest column object that follows or precedes the specified cell position.
GetNextRowWithNonEmptyCell(Integer,Integer,Boolean) protected Returns an index of the nearest row object above or below the specified cell position.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
HideEdit(Boolean) Closes an active in-place cell editor.
HideSelectedColumns Hides all columns that intersect the cell selection area.
HideSelectedRows Hides all rows that intersect the cell selection area.
InsertCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) Inserts an empty cell range into the worksheet.
InsertColumns(string,Integer) Inserts a specified number of uninitialized columns following the designated column.
InsertRows(Integer,Integer) Inserts a specified number of uninitialized rows following the designated row.
Invalidate Invalidates the Spreadsheet control‘s View area. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView.
InvalidateRect(TRect) Invalidates a specified portion within the Spreadsheet control‘s View area. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView.
IsRowVisible(Integer) protected Identifies if the ExpressSpreadSheet formula engine considers the specified row visible.
MakeFocusedCellVisible Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show the focused cell.
MakeVisible(TdxSpreadSheetContainer) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified floating container.
MakeVisible(Integer,Integer) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a cell specified by its row and column indexes.
MakeVisible(string) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified cell range.
MakeVisible(TRect) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified cell range.
MakeVisibleColumn(Integer) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally to show the specified column.
MakeVisibleColumn(string) Scrolls the worksheet horizontally to show the specified column.
MakeVisibleRow(Integer) Scrolls the worksheet vertically to show the specified row.
MergeSelected Creates merged cells from selected cell ranges.
PasteCellDataFromStream(TPoint,TStream,TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) Pastes cell data and formatting from a stream object into the worksheet at the specified position.
PasteFromClipboard(TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) Inserts the clipboard’s content into the current cell selection.
Protect Invokes the Protect Sheet dialog.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
SetCellData(Integer,Integer,Variant,TdxSpreadSheetFormulaErrorCode) protected Populates a cell at the specified position with a value and an error code.
ShowEdit Activates an in-place editor for the focused cell.
ShowEditByKey(Char) Activates an in-place editor for the focused cell and replaces its content with a specified character.
ShowEditByMouse(Integer,Integer,TShiftState) Activates an in-place editor for a cell under the mouse pointer.
SortByColumnValues(TRect,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) Sorts the specified cell range against multiple columns.
SortByRowValues(TRect,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) Sorts the specified cell range against multiple rows.
SplitSelected Splits one or more merged cells into one or more selected cell ranges.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UnfreezePanes Unlocks all previously frozen rows and columns.
UnhideSelectedColumns Displays all previously hidden columns that intersect the cell selection area.
UnhideSelectedRows Displays all previously hidden rows that intersect the cell selection area.
Unprotect Cancels the worksheet protection.
See Also