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TdxSpreadSheetTableView.FreezeRows(Integer) Method

Prevents one or more sequential rows from scrolling, immobilizing them at the top border of the Table View worksheet.


procedure FreezeRows(const ARow: Integer);


Name Type
ARow Integer


The ARow parameter specifies an index of the last row within the horizontal frozen pane:

The FreezeRows procedure is particularly useful if you need to customize the columns header within a spreadsheet document. To hide the standard headers displayed by the current Table View worksheet, set the Options.Headers property to bFalse:

Alternatively, you can use the FrozenRow property to freeze the required number of rows at the top of a worksheet.

To make the frozen rows scrollable again, invoke the UnfreezePanes or FreezeColumns procedure.


Since the FreezeColumns procedure unfreezes the frozen rows, you need to call the FreezePanes procedure or use the FrozenRow and FrozenColumn properties to immobilize both rows and columns at the top and left borders of a Table View worksheet.

See Also