TdxSpreadSheetTableView Members
A worksheet type (View) designed for tabular data visualization and processing.Constructors
Name | Description |
Create(TdxCustomSpreadSheet) | Creates a new persistent object for the specified Spreadsheet or Report Designer control. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetPersistentObject. |
Name | Description |
Active | Specifies if the worksheet is active. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
BottomRow | Specifies an index of the row displayed at the bottom of the Table View worksheet’s visible area. |
Bounds | Returns the boundaries of the displayed worksheet area. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Caption | Specifies the worksheet‘s caption (name). Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Cells | Provides indexed access to cell objects in the worksheet. |
CellStyles | Stores all cell styles used in the current worksheet. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Columns | Provides access to the column collection within the current Table View worksheet. |
ConditionalFormatting | Provides access to the conditional formatting controller that manages rules that apply to cell ranges within the worksheet. |
Containers | Provides access to the floating container collection created within the current worksheet. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Dimensions | Returns the populated worksheet area. |
FrozenColumn | Specifies an index of the frozen column adjacent to a frozen pane separator. |
FrozenRow | Specifies an index of the frozen row adjacent to a frozen pane separator. |
History | Provides access to the history of the Spreadsheet control instance to which the current Table View worksheet belongs. |
HitTest | Returns HitTest information about a specific point within the Table View worksheet. |
Hyperlinks | Provides access to hyperlink collection within the current Table View worksheet. |
Index | Specifies the worksheet tab position within the caption bar. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
IsEditing | Returns a value indicating whether an in-place editor is active within the current Table View worksheet. |
LeftColumn | Specifies an index of the on the left side of the Table View worksheet’s visible area. |
MergedCells | Provides access to the merged cell collection within the current Table View worksheet. |
Options | Specifies the Table View worksheet’s appearance and functionality settings. |
OptionsPrint | Provides access to all Table View worksheet’s print settings. |
OptionsProtection | Specifies the Table View worksheet protection settings. |
PrintArea | Returns the Table View worksheet’s content print limitation area. |
RightColumn | Specifies the index of the column at the right edge of the Table View worksheet’s visible area. |
Rows | Provides access to the Table View worksheet’s row collection. |
Selection | Provides access to the collection of selected cell ranges and objects in the worksheet. |
SpreadSheet | Provides access to the Spreadsheet or Report Designer control to which the persistent object belongs. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetPersistentObject. |
TopRow | Specifies an index of the row at the top of the Table View worksheet’s visible area. |
Visible |
Specifies if the worksheet is currently available to an end-user. f Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Name | Description |
AddArrayFormula(string,string) | Creates a new array formula expression at the specified cell range. |
AddArrayFormula(string,TRect) | Creates a new array formula expression in the specified cell range. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
BeginUpdate | Postpones all worksheet redraw operations and related notifications that reflect any content change until an EndUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
CanClearCells | Identifies if it is possible to clear the current cell selection. |
CanClearCells(string) | Identifies if is possible to clear the specified cell range. |
CanClearCells(TRect) | Identifies if it is possible to clear the specified cell range. |
CanCopyToClipboard | Identifies if it is possible to copy the worksheet’s content to the clipboard. |
CanCutToClipboard | Identifies if it is possible to move the worksheet’s content to the clipboard. |
CanDelete | Identifies if users can delete cell data from the worksheet. |
CanDelete(TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) | Identifies if users can delete cell data from the worksheet. |
CanDeleteComments | Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the worksheet. |
CanDeleteComments(string) | Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the specified cell range. |
CanDeleteComments(TRect) | Identifies if it is possible to delete comments in the specified cell range. |
CanDeleteHyperlink | Identifies if an end-user can remove a hyperlink. |
CanEditComment | Identifies if it is possible to edit comment containers within the worksheet. |
CanEditContainers | Identifies if an end-user can create and/or delete floating containers. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
CanEditHyperlinks | |
CanFillData | Returns a value indicating whether the AutoFill functionality is currently available. |
CanInsert | Identifies if users can insert cell data to the worksheet. |
CanInsert(TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) | Identifies if users can insert columns or rows to the worksheet. |
CanInsertCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) | Identifies if it is possible to insert cells into the specified cell range. |
CanInsertCells(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification) | Identifies if it is possible to insert cells into the specified cell range. |
CanMergeSelected | Identifies whether the currently selected cell range can be merged into a single cell. |
CanModifyDataInArea(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode) | Identifies if it is possible to change values within the specified cell range. |
CanModifyDataInArea(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode) | |
CanPasteFromClipboard | |
CanPasteFromClipboard(TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) | Identifies if it is possible to insert the clipboard’s content to the worksheet. |
CanSort | Identifies if it is possible to sort cell values. |
CanSplitSelected | Identifies whether the currently selected merged cell object can be split into ordinary cells. |
CellAtPoint(TPoint,TdxSpreadSheetCell,Boolean,Boolean) | Returns a cell object located at the specified position. |
CellAtPoint(TPoint,Integer,Integer,Boolean,Boolean) | Identifies a cell located at the specified position. |
ClearCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewClearCellsOptions) | Clears the specified cell range. |
ClearCells(string,Boolean,Boolean) | |
ClearCells(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewClearCellsOptions) | |
ClearCells(TRect,Boolean,Boolean) | |
ClearCellValues | Clears all values from the current cell selection. |
CopyCellDataToStream(string,TStream) | Copies cell values and formatting from the cell range specified in A1 format to a stream. |
CopyCellDataToStream(TRect,TStream) | Copies cell values and formatting from the specified cell range to a stream. |
CopyToClipboard | Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
CreateCell(Integer,Integer) | Returns an underlying cell object of a cell at the specified position in the worksheet. |
CreateCell(string) | |
CutToClipboard | Moves the current selection to the clipboard. |
DeleteAllCells | Removes all cell objects from the worksheet. |
DeleteCells | |
DeleteCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) | Deletes the current cell selection or a specified cell range. |
DeleteCells(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) | |
DeleteColumns(Integer,Integer) | Removes a specified number of columns starting from a designated column. |
DeleteComments | |
DeleteComments(string) | |
DeleteComments(TRect) | Deletes all comment containers within the current selection or a designated cell range. |
DeleteHyperlink | Deletes a hyperlink. |
DeleteRows(Integer,Integer) | Removes a specified number of rows starting from a designated row. |
EditComment | Invokes the Customize Object dialog window with the active Text tab for a comment container. |
EditHyperlink | Invokes the Edit Hyperlink dialog. |
EndUpdate | Applies all pending changes and redraws the worksheet after a BeginUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
FillData(TcxDirection,Integer) | |
FillData(string,TcxDirection,Integer) | |
FillData(string,string) | |
FillData(TRect,TcxDirection,Integer) | Populates cells from the specified source. |
FillData(TRect,TRect) | |
ForEachCell(TdxSpreadSheetTableViewForEachCellProc) | |
ForEachCell(string,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewForEachCellProc,Boolean) | Performs a specific set of actions on all populated cells within a specific portion of the Table View worksheet. |
ForEachCell(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewForEachCellProc,Boolean) | |
FreezeColumns(Integer) | |
FreezeColumns(string) | Immobilizes one or more sequential worksheet columns at the left border of the Spreadsheet control’s content area. |
FreezePanes(Integer,Integer) | Freezes the specified numbers of rows and columns at the top and left edges of the Table View worksheet. |
FreezePanes(string) | |
FreezeRows(Integer) | Prevents one or more sequential rows from scrolling, immobilizing them at the top border of the Table View worksheet. |
GetCellData(Integer,Integer) protected | Returns data from a worksheet cell. |
GetCellValue(Integer,Integer,Variant,TdxSpreadSheetFormulaErrorCode) | Obtains both the value and error code of a cell within the Table View worksheet. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetMaxColumnIndex protected | Returns the index of the last column in the worksheet. |
GetMaxRowIndex protected | Returns the index of the last row in the worksheet. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetNextColumnWithNonEmptyCell(Integer,Integer,Boolean) protected | Returns the index of the nearest column object that follows or precedes the target cell position. |
GetNextRowWithNonEmptyCell(Integer,Integer,Boolean) protected | Returns the index of the nearest row object above or below the specified cell position. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
HideEdit(Boolean) | Closes an active in-place cell editor. |
HideSelectedColumns | Hides all columns that intersect the cell selection area. |
HideSelectedRows | Hides all rows that intersect the cell selection area. |
InsertCells | |
InsertCells(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) | Inserts an empty cell range into the worksheet. |
InsertCells(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModification,TdxSpreadSheetTableViewMergedCellsConflictResolution) | |
InsertColumns(Integer,Integer) | |
InsertColumns(string,Integer) | Inserts a specified number of uninitialized columns following the designated column. |
InsertRows(Integer,Integer) | Inserts a specified number of uninitialized rows following the designated row. |
Invalidate | Invalidates the Spreadsheet control‘s View area. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
InvalidateRect(TRect) | Invalidates a specified portion within the Spreadsheet control‘s View area. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomView. |
IsRowVisible(Integer) protected | Identifies if the specified worksheet row is visible for the Spreadsheet formula engine. |
MakeFocusedCellVisible | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show the focused cell. |
MakeVisible(TdxSpreadSheetContainer) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified floating container. |
MakeVisible(Integer,Integer) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a cell specified by its row and column indexes. |
MakeVisible(string) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified cell range. |
MakeVisible(TRect) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally and/or vertically to show a specified cell range. |
MakeVisibleColumn(Integer) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally to show the specified column. |
MakeVisibleColumn(string) | Scrolls the worksheet horizontally to show the specified column. |
MakeVisibleRow(Integer) | Scrolls the worksheet vertically to show the specified row. |
MergeSelected | Creates merged cells from selected cell ranges. |
PasteCellDataFromStream(TPoint,TStream,TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) | Pastes cell data and formatting from a stream object into the worksheet at the specified position. |
PasteFromClipboard | |
PasteFromClipboard(TdxSpreadSheetClipboardPasteOptions) | Inserts the clipboard’s content into the current cell selection. |
Protect | Invokes the Protect Sheet dialog. |
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) | Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent. |
SetCellData(Integer,Integer,Variant,TdxSpreadSheetFormulaErrorCode) protected | Populates a cell at the specified position with a value and an error code. |
ShowEdit | Activates an in-place editor for the focused cell. |
ShowEditByKey(Char) | Activates an in-place editor for the focused cell and replaces its content with a specified character. |
ShowEditByMouse(Integer,Integer,TShiftState) | Activates an in-place editor for a cell under the mouse pointer. |
SortByColumnValues(string,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) | |
SortByColumnValues(TRect,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) | Sorts the specified cell range against multiple columns. |
SortByRowValues(string,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) | |
SortByRowValues(TRect,TdxSortOrder[],Integer[]) | Sorts the specified cell range against multiple rows. |
SplitSelected | Splits one or more merged cells into one or more selected cell ranges. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
UnfreezePanes | Unlocks all previously frozen rows and columns. |
UnhideSelectedColumns | Displays all previously hidden columns that intersect the cell selection area. |
UnhideSelectedRows | Displays all previously hidden rows that intersect the cell selection area. |
Unprotect | Cancels the worksheet protection. |
See Also