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TdxSpreadSheetTableView.CanModifyDataInArea(string,TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode) Method

Identifies if it is possible to change values within the specified cell range.


function CanModifyDataInArea(const AArea: string; const AMode: TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode): Boolean; overload;


Name Type
AArea string
AMode TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode




Both overloaded function variants return True if the target cell range contains no protected cells; otherwise, False. Use the AMode parameter to check if it is possible to make a specific change to cells within an array formula result area. This parameter value is ignored if the target cell range does not intersect an array formula’s result. Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetCellsModificationMode type description for details.

The first and second overloaded CanModifyDataInArea function variants accept the target cell range and a reference (as a string in the A1 format) to the target cell range, respectively.

Note that a cell is protected if:

See Also