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TdxSpreadSheetTableView.GetCellData(Integer,Integer) Method

Returns the stored data obtained from a specific worksheet cell.


function GetCellData(const ARow: Integer; const AColumn: Integer): IdxSpreadSheetCellData; overload;


Name Type
ARow Integer
AColumn Integer




Call this function to obtain the cell data in a uniform format from a cell within the row and column whose indexes are passed as the ARow and AColumn parameters, respectively. As in the Cells property’s case, the GetCellData function returns nil if the specified cell’s underlying object does not exist.

The GetCellData function is accessible via the IdxSpreadSheetViewData interface and is called internally by the ExpressSpreadSheet formula engine to provide both the formula expression and condition formatting functionality in ExpressSpreadSheet and ExpressQuantumGrid Views.

See Also