TdxSpreadSheetScrollEvent Type
The type of worksheet scroll notification events that occur in the Spreadsheet and Report Designer controls.
TdxSpreadSheetScrollEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxCustomSpreadSheet; AScrollBarKind: TScrollBarKind; AFirstScrollablePosition: Integer) of object;
Name | Type |
Sender | Tdx |
AScroll |
TScroll |
AFirst |
Integer |
The Sender parameter specifies the Spreadsheet or Report Designer control instance that fired the event. To access control-specific members via the Sender parameter, cast it to the TdxSpreadSheet or TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner type, respectively.
The AScrollBarKind parameter specifies the worksheet scrolling direction – horizontally (i.e., by columns) or vertically (by rows). To identify the column or row (by its zero-based index) located at the scrollable area’s top or left border, respectively, use the AFirstScrollablePosition parameter:
If a number of columns and/or rows is frozen within the active worksheet, the first scrollable column and/or row does not match the first visible column and/or row, respectively. In this case, the AFirstScrollablePosition parameter indicates the row or column that adjoins the frozen rows or columns, depending on the scrolling direction:
The TdxSpreadSheetScrollEvent type is referenced by the OnScroll event declared in the TdxCustomSpreadSheet class.