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TdxSpreadSheetTableViewContextPopupEvent Type

The procedural type of the worksheet context menu display event.


TdxSpreadSheetTableViewContextPopupEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxSpreadSheetTableView; const P: TPoint; APopupMenu: TPopupMenu; var AHandled: Boolean) of object;


Name Type
Sender TdxSpreadSheetTableView
P TPoint
APopupMenu TPopupMenu
AHandled Boolean


The Sender parameter provides access to the Table View worksheet that raised a TdxSpreadSheetTableViewContextPopupEvent event. This parameter is useful if you need to disable the context menu for certain worksheets.

The P parameter returns the current mouse pointer position that is useful if you need to invoke a custom popup menu.

The APopupMenu parameter provides access to the built-in popup menu that is about to appear. Use this parameter to customize the list of menu items.

Assign True to the AHandled parameter to disable the built-in popup menu. This is useful if you need to show the menu only under certain conditions or use a custom popup menu instead.

A spreadsheet control’s OnTableViewContextPopup event references the TdxSpreadSheetTableViewContextPopupEvent procedural type.

See Also