TdxSpreadSheetTableView Class
A worksheet type (View) designed for tabular data visualization and processing.
TdxSpreadSheetTableView = class(
This class implements the main type of worksheets in the Spreadsheet control. The key elements of the Table View worksheet are cells arranged into columns and rows.
You can use a Table View worksheet to arrange, store, process, and display end-user data. To manage the data and accompanying settings, Table View worksheets use logical objects corresponding to visual elements of the table, such as cell, column, and row objects accessible via the corresponding properties.
The TdxSpreadSheetTableView class extends its ancestor with members allowing you to:
Specify the Table View worksheet’s appearance and behavior settings (Options).
Specify the Table View worksheet’s printing settings (OptionsPrint).
Manage and customize individual column and row objects (Columns and Rows).
Manage frozen panes (FrozenColumn, FrozenRow, FreezeColumns, FreezeRows, FreezePanes, and UnfreezePanes).
Scroll the Table View worksheet to the required position (BottomRow, LeftColumn, RightColumn, TopRow, MakeFocusedCellVisible, MakeVisible, MakeVisibleColumn, and MakeVisibleRow).
Identify whether merged cell management is allowed (CanMergeSelected and CanSplitSelected).
Merge and unmerge cell ranges (MergedCells, MergeSelected, and SplitSelected).
Identify whether data sorting is allowed (CanSort).
Sort cell data (SortByColumnValues and SortByRowValues).
Manage individual table items (DeleteColumns, DeleteRows, InsertColumns, InsertRows).
Identify whether specific cell management operations are allowed (CanClearCells, CanDelete, CanInsertCells, CanModifyDataInArea, CanInsert).
Manage cell objects (CreateCell, DeleteAllCells, DeleteCells, InsertCells).
Identify whether an in-place cell editor is currently active (IsEditing).
Manage an in-place cell editor (ShowEdit, ShowEditByKey, ShowEditByMouse, and HideEdit).
Identify whether specific clipboard operations are allowed (CanCopyToClipboard, CanCutToClipboard, and CanPasteFromClipboard).
Perform clipboard operations (CopyToClipboard, CutToClipboard, and PasteFromClipboard).
Obtain the cell data (GetCellValue).
Identify dimensions of the edited Table View worksheet area (Dimensions).
Obtain additional information (HitTest and CellAtPoint).
The TdxSpreadSheetTableView object is referenced by the Spreadsheet control‘s ActiveSheetAsTable property. As the name of this property suggests, it provides access to the currently active sheet within a workbook. To access non-active Table View worksheets, you can cast TdxSpreadSheetCustomView objects to the TdxSpreadSheetTableView type. Use the following code example to access any Table View worksheet:
ActiveTableView, ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
ActiveTableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable; // Accessing the currently active sheet within a workbook (without type conversion)
ATableView := TdxSpreadSheetTableView(dxSpreadSheet1.Sheets[1]); // Accessing the second sheet within a workbook
For additional information, refer to the Table View topic.