TdxSpreadSheetPageControl Class
A spreadsheet control’s caption bar.
TdxSpreadSheetPageControl = class(
This class implements the caption bar in the Spreadsheet control, which provides an end-user with worksheet management interface elements.
The caption bar allows an end-user to:
Switch between worksheets by clicking the scroll buttons and worksheet tabs;
Rearrange worksheet tabs using drag-and-drop;
Hide and/or display opened worksheets via the caption bar’s context menu;
Add and/or delete worksheets;
Rename worksheets.
The TdxSpreadSheetPageControl class extends its ancestor class with a set of properties which allows you to customize both the appearance and functionality of the caption bar:
Change the list of worksheet tab management buttons available to end-users (Buttons).
Customize the drop arrows color (DropArrowColor).
Resize the caption bar area (Width).
Hide/display the caption bar (Visible).
Change the initial position of a certain worksheet button (FirstVisiblePageIndex).
Additionally, the TdxSpreadSheetPageControl class implements properties that provide you information on the caption bar’s current state:
Obtain an area occupied by the caption bar (Bounds).
Get the HitTest information about a point within the caption bar (HitTest).
Identify the spreadsheet control instance to which the caption bar belongs (SpreadSheet.
Track the number of visible worksheets (VisiblePageCount).
Get zero-based indexed access to currently visible worksheets (VisiblePages).
A spreadsheet control’s PageControl property references a TdxSpreadSheetPageControl object.