TcxCustomEditProperties Class
The base class for all editor appearance and behavior settings.
TcxCustomEditProperties = class(
Every standalone and in-place editor from the ExpressEditors Library has multiple common appearance and behavior settings accessible through Properties and ActiveProperties properties. All terminal TcxCustomEdit
class descendants override these properties to implement settings specific to individual editors.
You can use the Properties property to configure an editor. Alternatively, you can create a settings repository item and assign it to the RepositoryItem property of all target editors to apply the same settings to them.
Main API Members
The list below outlines key members of the TcxCustomEditProperties
class that allow you to configure editors.
Appearance Options
- Alignment | UseLeftAlignmentOnEditing
- Specify content alignment.
- Images
- Specifies the image source for editor button glyphs.
- OnButtonGlyphDrawParameters
- Allows you to customize the appearance of editor button glyphs.
User Interaction Options
- Automation
- Provides access to UI Automation and accessibility settings.
- AutoSelect
- Specifies if the editor automatically selects its content when it receives focus.
- Buttons | ButtonsViewStyle
- Allow you to manage and configure embedded editor buttons
- ClearKey | ClickKey
- Allow you to associate keystrokes with basic user actions.
- OnButtonClick | OnClosePopup
- Allow you to execute custom code when a user clicks embedded editor buttons and closes the editor’s drop-down window.
- ReadOnly
- Enables or disables read-only mode. You can use the editor’s Style.ReadOnly and StyleReadOnly properties to customize editor appearance options for the read-only state.
- UseMouseWheel
- Specifies if the editor always responds to mouse wheel rotation.
Edit Value Validation
- BeepOnError
- Allows you to play the standard system sound when a validation error occurs.
- ErrorIcon | ValidationErrorIconAlignment
- Specify and position an error icon.
- ValidateDisplayValue | ValidateOnEnter | CanValidate | OnValidate | IsEditValueValid
- Allow you to validate user input.
- ValidationOptions
- Specifies validation option flags.
General-Purpose API Members
- AssignedValues | RestoreDefaults
- Allow you to track the state of individual editor-specific settings and reset them.
- BeginUpdate | EndUpdate | LockUpdate | DoUpdate | Update | Changed | ChangedLocked | DataChanged
- Allow you to manage editor updates and avoid excessive redraw operations during batch editor setting changes.
- GetButtonsClass | GetContainerClass | GetStyleClass | GetViewInfoClass
- Return editor property value types.
Direct TcxCustomEditProperties Class References
The following public API members reference a TcxCustomEditProperties
- TcxCustomGridTableItem.Properties
- Provides access to active in-place editor settings.
- TcxCustomEdit.ActiveProperties
- Provides access to active editor settings.
- TcxCustomEdit.Properties
- Provides access to editor settings.
- TcxEditRepositoryItem.Properties
- Provides access to stored editor settings.
- TcxCustomInplaceEditContainer.Properties
- Provides access to active in-place editor settings.
- TcxCustomBarEditItem.Properties
- Provides access to active in-place editor settings.
- TcxCustomBarEditItem.GetProperties
- Returns embedded editor settings.
- TcxPivotGridField.Properties
- Provides access to active editor settings.
- TcxCustomEditorRowProperties.EditProperties
- Provides access to active in-place editor settings.
You need to cast the returned object to the corresponding terminal TcxCustomEditProperties
class descendant. You can call the ClassType function to identify the actual editor settings type.
Terminal TcxCustomEditProperties Class Descendants
The following TcxCustomEditProperties
class descendants correspond to in-place editors in container controls:
- TdxBarCodeProperties
- Stores barcode appearance settings.
- TcxBlobEditProperties
- Contains settings specific to BLOB editors.
- TcxButtonEditProperties
- Stores button editor settings.
- TcxCalcEditProperties
- Represents settings specific to editors with dropdown calculators.
- TcxCheckBoxProperties
- Contains properties specific to check box editors.
- TcxCheckComboBoxProperties
- Provides properties specific to check combo box controls.
- TcxCheckGroupProperties
- Provides settings specific for the TcxCheckGroup and TcxDBCheckGroup editors.
- TcxColorComboBoxProperties
- Stores color combo box settings.
- TdxColorEditProperties
- Stores attributes specific to a color editor.
- TcxComboBoxProperties
- Stores combo box editor settings.
- TcxCurrencyEditProperties
- Stores currency editor settings.
- TcxDateEditProperties
- Represents properties specific to date editors.
- TdxDateTimeWheelPickerProperties
- Contains settings of the date-time wheel picker editor.
- TcxExtLookupComboBoxProperties
- Contains settings for ExtLookupEditors.
- TcxFontNameComboBoxProperties
- Stores settings of a font name combo box editor (also called font picker).
- TdxFormattedLabelProperties
- Contains a formatted label control’s settings.
- TcxHyperLinkEditProperties
- Contains settings specific to hyperlinks editors.
- TcxImageProperties
- Stores image editor settings.
- TcxImageComboBoxProperties
- Stores image combo box editor settings.
- TcxLabelProperties
- Represents a set of attributes specific to label controls.
- TcxLookupComboBoxProperties
- Contains settings controlling the behavior of TcxLookupComboBox and TcxDBLookupComboBox editors.
- TdxLookupSparklineProperties
- Contains a lookup sparkline editor‘s settings.
- TcxMaskEditProperties
- Publishes members of the TcxCustomMaskEditProperties object.
- TcxMemoProperties
- Contains settings specific to memo editors.
- TcxMRUEditProperties
- Contains settings specific to MRU editors.
- TdxNumericWheelPickerProperties
- Contains settings of the numeric value wheel picker editor.
- TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties
- Contains the search box settings.
- TcxPopupEditProperties
- Stores pop-up editor settings.
- TcxProgressBarProperties
- Contains specific settings of the progress bar control.
- TcxRadioGroupProperties
- Contains settings specific to radio group controls.
- TdxRangeTrackBarProperties
- Contains range track bar settings.
- TdxRatingControlProperties
- Contains rating control settings.
- TcxRichEditProperties
- Represents settings specific to rich text editors.
- TcxShellComboBoxProperties
- Contains settings specific to shell combo box editors.
- TdxSparklineProperties
- Contains the sparkline editor’s settings.
- TcxSpinEditProperties
- Contains settings specific to spin editors.
- TcxTextEditProperties
- Contains settings specific to text editors.
- TcxTimeEditProperties
- Represents settings specific to time editors.
- TdxToggleSwitchProperties
- Contains toggle switch editor settings.
- TdxTokenEditProperties
- Contains the token editor‘s appearance and behavior settings.
- TcxTrackBarProperties
- Represents the class containing track bar editor specific settings.
Code Example: Assign and Configure an In-Place Editor in the Data Grid
The following code example assigns a single-line text editor to the first Data Grid column, changes text alignment, and disables automatic text selection at runtime.
uses cxTextEdit;
// ...
AGridColumn: TcxGridDBColumn;
AGridTableView: TcxGridDBTableView;
ATextEditProperties: TcxTextEditProperties;
AGridTableView := TcxGridDBTableView(cxGrid1.ActiveView);
AGridColumn := AGridTableView.Columns[0];
AGridColumn.PropertiesClass := TcxTextEditProperties;
ATextEditProperties := AGridColumn.Properties as TcxTextEditProperties;
ATextEditProperties.Alignment.Horz := taRightJustify;
ATextEditProperties.AutoSelect := False;
Certain editors do not support buttons (labels and check boxes, for instance). Refer to individual editor and editor setting class descriptions for detailed information.