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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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cxNavigator Unit


Name Description
TcxCustomNavigator Implements basic navigator functionality with capabilities exceeding the standard VCL navigator.
TcxCustomNavigatorButtons The base class for classes that implement button collections used in navigator controls.
TcxCustomNavigatorControl Implements base navigator component functionality for working with unbound controls.
TcxCustomNavigatorInfoPanel Serves as the base class for classes that implement the navigator information panel.
TcxNavigator The navigator control that is used to navigate and manage data in external controls.
TcxNavigatorButton A navigator control‘s button.
TcxNavigatorChildComponent Serves as the base class for classes that implement the navigator‘s children.
TcxNavigatorControlButtons The collection of buttons used in non-db navigator controls.
TcxNavigatorControlNotifier Provides interaction between a navigated control and a navigator.
TcxNavigatorCustomButton A navigator control‘s custom button.
TcxNavigatorCustomButtons A collection of custom buttons in navigator controls.


Name Description
IcxNavigator Implementing this interface allows controls to have their navigation managed by the TcxNavigator control.
IcxNavigatorOwner Enables you to provide a navigator graphic interface within a navigated control.