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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxBreadcrumbEdit Unit


Name Description
TdxBreadcrumbEdit Implements the virtual breadcrumb control.
TdxBreadcrumbEditButton A button displayed in a breadcrumb editor.
TdxBreadcrumbEditButtons A collection of buttons displayed in a breadcrumb editor.
TdxBreadcrumbEditCustomPropertiesPersistent Serves as the base class for classes that contain breadcrumb settings.
TdxBreadcrumbEditNode Implements the virtual breadcrumb node.
TdxBreadcrumbEditPathEditorProperties Contains settings of the breadcrumb path editor.
TdxBreadcrumbEditProgressBarProperties Contains settings of the breadcrumb progress bar.
TdxBreadcrumbEditProperties Virtual breadcrumb settings.
TdxBreadcrumbEditRecentPath An element of the recently used paths collection.
TdxBreadcrumbEditRecentPaths A collection of the recently used paths.
TdxCustomBreadcrumbEdit The base class for the virtual, data-aware, and shell breadcrumb controls.
TdxCustomBreadcrumbEditProperties Provides common settings for virtual, shell, and data-aware breadcrumb controls.


Name Description
TdxBreadcrumbEditDropDownIndent Enumerates dropdown window indent options.
TdxBreadcrumbEditProgressBarCancelEffect Enumerates operation cancel animation modes.


Name Description
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultAnimationRestartDelay Specifies the default animation delay.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultAnimationSpeed Specifies the default animation speed.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultAutoCompleteDropDownRows Specifies the default number of allowed suggestions in the path editor’s dropdown window.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultDropDownIndentValue Specifies the default space (in pixels) between the left edges of a node‘s dropdown button and the node’s dropdown window.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultDropDownRows Specifies the default number of rows that the breadcrumb node’s dropdown window occupies.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultRecentPathsDropDownRows Determines the default value of the TdxBreadcrumbEditPathEditorProperties.RecentPathsDropDownRows property.
dxBreadcrumbEditDefaultRecentPathsMaxCount Determines the default value of the TdxBreadcrumbEditPathEditorProperties.RecentPathsMaxCount property.