TcxHyperLinkEditProperties Class
Contains settings specific to hyperlinks editors.
TcxHyperLinkEditProperties = class(
This class does not provide any new functionality but publishes necessary properties and events specific to hyperlink editors (TcxHyperLinkEdit and TcxDBHyperLink controls). To adjust editor properties use the Properties member of the corresponding edit control. To control any changes made to the editor’s DisplayFormat, EditFormat, MaxLength, MaxValue, MinValue and ReadOnly properties and reverse their values back to the default ones, use the AssignedValues property.
The main hyperlink property is SingleClick. It defines the manner in which a user activates the hyperlink command. If SingleClick is True, a user needs only a single mouse click to execute the command. Otherwise, he/she can activate the command by double-clicking the edit box. An alternative way is to press the shortcut defined by the StartKey property. When a user activates the hyperlink command, it is recognized by the system and executed. However, if you handle the OnStartClick event you can interpret user actions as your needs dictate. In this case the command is not executed by the system.