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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxUIAdorners Unit


Name Description
TdxAdornerCustomTargetElement The base class for all classes that implement adorner links to their target UI elements.
TdxAdornerTargetElementControl The class that implements a link to the UI adorner‘s target control.
TdxAdornerTargetElementPath The class that implements a path to the adorner‘s target UI element.
TdxBadge A badge UI adorner element.
TdxBadgeBackground Stores the background appearance settings of a badge UI adorner.
TdxBadges A collection of badge UI adorners.
TdxBadgeViewInfo Stores the ViewInfo information for painting badge UI adorners.
TdxCustomAdorner The base class for all classes that implement UI adorner elements.
TdxCustomAdornerOptions The base class for all classes that implement settings of UI adorner elements.
TdxCustomAdorners A collection of abstract UI adorner elements.
TdxCustomAdornerViewInfo The base class for all classes that implement UI adorner ViewInfo classes.
TdxGuide A guide UI adorner element.
TdxGuides A collection of guide UI adorners.
TdxGuideViewInfo Stores ViewInfo information for painting guide UI adorners.
TdxUIAdornerManager A UI adorner manager component.


Name Description
TdxAdornerState Enumerates mouse interaction states of a guide UI adorner.


Name Description
dxBadgeDefaultGlyph Returns a Smart Glyph containing the default glyph for badge UI adorners.
dxGuideNormalBorderGlyph Returns a Smart Glyph containing the bitmap mask for the normal guide UI adorner borders.
dxGuideSelectedBorderGlyph Returns a Smart Glyph containing the bitmap mask for the borders of the selected guide UI adorner.
dxRegisteredAdornerTargetElementTypes Provides access to all registered classes (TdxAdornerCustomTargetElement descendants) that implement adorner links to various target UI elements.


Name Description
dxAdornerTargetElementPathSeparator Specifies the string treated as a separator in the UI adorner‘s target element path.
dxBadgeDefaultHorz Specifies the default horizontal alignment of a badge UI adorner in relation to its target element.
dxBadgeTextDefaultMargin Specifies the default text margins (in pixels at 96 DPI) for badge UI adorners.
dxGuideNormalBorderWidth Specifies the guide UI adorner‘s outline width, in pixels.
dxGuidesDefaultDeactivateKey Specifies the name of the default guide UI adorner deactivation key.
dxGuideSelectedBorderWidth Specifies the selected guide UI adorner‘s outline width, in pixels.


Name Description
TdxAdornerCustomDrawEvent The UI adorner custom draw event type.
TdxAdornerCustomTargetElementClass The class-reference to an adorner target element class.
TdxAdornerNotifyEvent The UI adorner event notification type.
TdxAdornersNotifyEvent The UI adorner collection event notification type.
TdxGuideGetCalloutPopupControl The guide UI adorner‘s callout popup display event type.