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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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cxDBEdit Unit


Name Description
TcxDBBlobEdit Represents a data-aware control used for displaying and editing BLOB data from a data source.
TcxDBButtonEdit A data-aware single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
TcxDBCalcEdit Represents a data-aware control that enables editing a value via a popup calculator.
TcxDBCheckBox Represents a data-aware control which supports “checked”, “unchecked” and “grayed” states.
TcxDBComboBox A data-aware combo box.
TcxDBCurrencyEdit A data-aware editor that enables editing currency data.
TcxDBDateEdit Represents a data-aware edit control with a dropdown calendar that enables editing date values.
TcxDBEditDataBinding Represents an editor connection to a data store.
TcxDBHyperLinkEdit A data-aware hyperlink editor.
TcxDBImage A data-aware image editor.
TcxDBImageComboBox A data-aware image combo box.
TcxDBListBox Represents the data-aware version of TcxListBox.
TcxDBMaskEdit Represents a masked editor that enables displaying and editing text fields within a dataset.
TcxDBMemo Represents a memo editor that enables editing dataset fields.
TcxDBMRUEdit Represents a data-aware text editor that stores the list of most recently used items and allows the selection of a value from this list.
TcxDBPopupEdit Represents a data-aware text editor with a popup window embedding a control.
TcxDBRadioGroup Represents a data-aware version of the radio group control.
TcxDBSpinEdit Represents a spin editor, which enables editing numerical dataset fields.
TcxDBTextEdit A data-aware single-line text editor.
TcxDBTextEditDataBinding Represents an editor connection to a data store.
TcxDBTimeEdit Represents a data-aware editor which enables editing time values.