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dxImageSlider Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomImageSlider Serves as the base class for classes that implement controls providing image sliding capabilities.
TdxImageSlider A visual component that provides image sliding capabilities.
TdxImageSliderPreviewOptions Contains settings for an image slider control‘s preview panel.


Name Description
dxImageSliderDefaultAnimationTime Specifies the default value of the TdxCustomImageSlider.AnimationTime property.
dxImageSliderThumbnailDefaultHeight Specifies the default value of the TdxImageSliderPreviewOptions.ThumbnailSize.Height property.
dxImageSliderThumbnailDefaultWidth Specifies the default value of the TdxImageSliderPreviewOptions.ThumbnailSize.Width property.
dxImageSliderThumbnailIndent Specifies the default value of the TdxImageSliderPreviewOptions.Indent property.
dxImageSliderThumbnailMinSize Specifies the minimum value of the Width and Height properties accessible using the TdxImageSliderPreviewOptions.ThumbnailSize property.