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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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cxImage Unit

Implements image editors and related types.


Name Description
TcxCustomImage The base class for unbound and data-aware image editors.
TcxCustomImageProperties The base class for image editor appearance and behavior settings.
TcxImage An unbound image editor.
TcxImageAnimationOptions Stores animation settings in an image editor.
TcxImageProperties Stores image editor settings.
TcxImageZoomingOptions Stores zoom settings in an image editor.
TcxPopupMenuLayout Stores context menu layout settings for an unbound or data-aware image editor.


Name Description
TcxPopupMenuItem Enumerates items of the context menu in unbound and data-aware image editors.


Name Description
GetGraphicClassByName(string) Returns a reference to a registered graphic class by its name.
GetRegisteredGraphicClasses Returns a list populated with references to all registered graphic classes.
RegisterGraphicClass(TGraphicClass) Registers a TGraphic class descendant for all DevExpress editors that can work with images.
UnRegisterGraphicClass(TGraphicClass) Removes a class from the list of registered graphic classes.


Name Description
TcxPopupMenuItems A set of flags that correspond to items in the context menu available in unbound and data-aware image editors.
See Also