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TcxImageComboBoxProperties Class

Contains settings specific to image combo box editors.


TcxImageComboBoxProperties = class(


This class stores a set of attributes controlling the ImageComboBox behavior. Properties for an edit control are set by the Properties member of the corresponding editor. To control any changes made to the editor’s DisplayFormat, EditFormat, MaxLength, MaxValue, MinValue and ReadOnly properties and reverse their values back to the default ones, use the AssignedValues property.

The Images and LargeImages properties specify TCustomImageList instances storing images displayed within the editor and the editor dropdown window. Image alignment within the editor dropdown window is defined by the ImageAlign property. The MultiLineText property determines whether the text displayed within the editor dropdown is represented in a single or multi-line manner. The ShowDescriptions property indicates whether the text representation of image combo box items is displayed within the editor.

Use the IncrementalFiltering property to apply incremental filtering to the editor’s dropdown.

See Also