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cxDropDownEdit Unit

This unit implements the base functionality of all editors that can display a drop-down window.


Name Description
TcxComboBox An unbound combo box.
TcxComboBoxProperties Stores combo box editor settings.
TcxCustomComboBox The base class for all editors that allow users to select options in a drop-down window.
TcxCustomComboBoxProperties The base class for all classes that implement combo box editor settings.
TcxCustomDropDownEdit The base class for all editors that can display a drop-down window.
TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties Stores drop-down editor settings.
TcxCustomPopupEdit Serves as the base class for classes that implement editors hosting another control in their popup window.
TcxCustomPopupEditProperties Stores pop-up editor settings.
TcxPopupEdit Represents a text editor that enables embedding another control in its popup window.
TcxPopupEditProperties Stores pop-up editor settings.


Name Description
TcxEditDropDownListStyle Specifies the behavior of a lookup or combo box editor during text input.


Name Description
dxApplyFormTransparencyToPopupWindows Specifies if DevExpress dropdown/popup windows inherit the transparency settings applied to their parent forms.


The cxDropDownEdit unit also implements the following editors:

An unbound combo box.
Represents a text editor that enables embedding another control in its popup window.