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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxRangeControl Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomRangeControl Serves as the base class for classes that implement range controls.
TdxCustomRangeControlHitTest Stores HitTest information of the range control.
TdxCustomRangeControlStyle The base class for all classes that implement range control color settings.
TdxRangeControl A range control.
TdxRangeControlBaseStyle The base class for all classes that implement the appearance settings applied to the range control.
TdxRangeControlClientStyle Stores the appearance settings that can be applied to the range control by the Numeric and Date/Time data range selection and visualization models.
TdxRangeControlCustomClientProperties The base class for all classes that implement data range selection and visualization models employed by the range control.
TdxRangeControlCustomClientStyle The base class for all classes that implement the range control‘s appearance settings specific to various data range selection and visualization models.
TdxRangeControlCustomDateTimeClientProperties The base class for all classes that implement date/time range selection and visualization models employed by the range control.
TdxRangeControlCustomDateTimeHeaderClientProperties The base class for all classes implementing the date/time range selection and visualization models that can simultaneously display multiple scales on the range control‘s ruler.
TdxRangeControlCustomNumericClientProperties The base class for all classes that implement numeric data range selection and visualization models employed by the range control.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeAutoFormatHelper The class implementing the automatic scale formatting functionality for the Date/Time Header-based data range models.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeClientProperties A Date/Time range selection and visualization model.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeHeaderClientProperties A Date/Time Header range selection and visualization model.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeHeaderClientStyle Stores the appearance settings that can be applied to the range control by the Date/Time Header and Scheduler data range selection and visualization models.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeScale The base class for all classes that implement date/time scales displayed by the range control.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeScales A set of date/time scales that can be displayed on the range control‘s ruler.
TdxRangeControlNumericClientProperties A Numeric range selection and visualization model.
TdxRangeControlPredefinedDateHeaderScale A predefined scale employed by the Date/Time Header and Scheduler data range selection and visualization models.
TdxRangeControlPredefinedDateTimeScale A scale displayed by the range control employing the Date/Time data range selection and visualization model.
TdxRangeControlStyle Stores the data range model-independent appearance settings of the range control.


Name Description
IdxRangeControlClient An interface that exposes the client control‘s methods responsible for interaction with the range control.


Name Description
TdxRangeControlDateTimeScaleUnit Enumerates measurement units used by the scales displaying TDateTime values on the range control‘s ruler.




Name Description
TdxRangeControlClientPropertiesClass The class-reference to a client properties class.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeAutoFormatHelperClass The class-reference to a helper class implementing the automatic scale formatting functionality of the date/time range selection and visualization models that can display multiple scales on the range control’s ruler.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeScaleClass The class-reference to a date/time scale class.
TdxRangeControlDateTimeScaleUnits A set of date/time measurement units used to graduate scales displayed by a range control.
TdxRangeEditValue The value type displayed by a range control.