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dxBarCodeUtils Unit


Name Description
TdxBarCode11Generator A Code 11 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode11Symbology The Code 11 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode128Generator A Code 128 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode128Symbology The Code 128 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode39ExtendedGenerator An extended Code 39 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode39ExtendedSymbology The Code 39 Extended barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode39Generator A Code 39 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode39Symbology The Code 39 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode93ExtendedGenerator An extended Code 93 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode93ExtendedSymbology The Code 93 extended barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode93Generator A Code 93 barcode generator.
TdxBarCode93Symbology The Code 39 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeEAN13Generator An EAN13 barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeEAN13Symbology The EAN13 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeEAN8Generator An EAN8 barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeEAN8Symbology The EAN8 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeEANTypeGenerator The base class for all classes that implement EAN barcode generators.
TdxBarCodeInterleaved2Of5Generator An interleaved 2 of 5 barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeInterleaved2Of5Symbology Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeITFTypeGenerator The base class for all classes that implement ITF (Interleaved Two of Five) barcode generators.
TdxBarCodeITFTypeSymbology The base class for all classes that implement ITF barcode symbologies.
TdxBarCodeMSIGenerator A MSI barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeMSISymbology The MSI barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeOneDimensionalGenerator The base class for all classes that implement one-dimensional code generators.
TdxBarCodeQRCodeGenerator A QR Code generator.
TdxBarCodeQRCodeSymbology The QR Code symbology class.
TdxBarCodeUPCAGenerator An UPC-A barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeUPCASymbology The UPC-A barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCodeUPCEGenerator A UPC-E barcode generator.
TdxBarCodeUPCESymbology The UPC-E barcode symbology class.
TdxCustomBarCodeGenerator The base class for all classes that implement barcode generators.
TdxCustomBarCodeSymbology The base class for all classes that implement barcode symbologies.


Name Description
TdxBarCode128CharacterSet Enumerates character sets available for generating the Code 128 barcodes.
TdxBarCodeErrorType Enumerates barcode generation errors.
TdxQRCodeCompactionMode Enumerates information types that can be encoded in a QR Code.
TdxQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Enumerates available amounts of redundant information in QR Codes generated by the barcode control.


Name Description
dxGetRegisteredBarCodeSymbologies Provides access to the barcode symbology classes that are registered for use with barcode controls.


Name Description
dxBarCode11LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the Code 11 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode11RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the Code 11 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode128LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the Code 128 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode128RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the Code 128 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode39LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the base and extended Code 39 symbologies, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode39RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the base and extended Code 39 symbologies, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode93LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the base and extended Code 93 symbologies, in barcode modules.
dxBarCode93RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the base and extended Code 93 symbologies, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeEAN13LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the EAN13 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeEAN13RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the EAN13 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeEAN8LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the EAN8 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeEAN8RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the EAN8 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeInterleaved2Of5LeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the interleaved 2 of 5 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeInterleaved2Of5RightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the interleaved 2 of 5 symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeMSILeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the MSI symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeMSIRightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the MSI symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeQRCodeBottomQuietZoneSize Specifies the bottom quiet zone size of the QR Code symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeQRCodeLeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the QR Code symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeQRCodeRightQuietZoneSize Specifies the bottom quiet zone size of the QR Code symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeQRCodeTopQuietZoneSize Specifies the top quiet zone size of the QR Code symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeUPCALeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the UPC-A symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeUPCARightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the UPC-A symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeUPCELeftQuietZoneSize Specifies the left quiet zone size of the UPC-E symbology, in barcode modules.
dxBarCodeUPCERightQuietZoneSize Specifies the right quiet zone size of the UPC-E symbology, in barcode modules.


Name Description
TdxBarCodeFitMode Enumerates available barcode size calculation modes.


Name Description
TdxCustomBarCodeGeneratorClass A class-reference to a barcode generator class.
TdxCustomBarCodeSymbologyClass The class-reference to a barcode symbology class.