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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxInputDialogs Unit

In This Article


Name Description
dxInputBox(string,string,string) Invokes a modal input dialog box that prompts a user to confirm the displayed text string or change it.
dxInputQuery(string,string,string,TdxInputQueryValidationProc) Invokes a modal input dialog box that prompts a user to enter a string and checks if the user input is valid.
dxInputQuery(string,string,string) Invokes a modal input dialog box that prompts a user to enter a string.
dxInputQuery(string,string[],string[],TdxInputQueryValidationProc) Invokes an input dialog box that allows users to enter a string.
dxInputQuery(string,string[],string[]) Invokes a modal input dialog box that prompts a user to enter multiple text strings.
dxSelectQuery(string,string,TStrings,string,Boolean,TdxInputQueryValidationProc) Invokes a modal input dialog box that allows users to select a value in a combo box.


Name Description
TdxInputQueryValidationProc The procedural type for validation routines used in input query dialogs.