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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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dxTokenEdit Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomTokenEdit The base class for all classes that implement token editors.
TdxTokenEdit An unbound token editor.
TdxTokenEditProperties Contains the token editor‘s appearance and behavior settings.
TdxTokenEditPropertiesOptionsLookup Contains the token editor‘s lookup settings.
TdxTokenEditToken A token in the token collection.
TdxTokenEditTokens A token editor‘s collection of tokens.


Name Description
TdxTokenEditElementPosition Enumerates available positions of visual elements (images or glyphs) within a token box.
TdxTokenEditLookupFilterMode Enumerates available token filtering modes.
TdxTokenEditLookupFilterSource Enumerates text sources used for searching the text entered by an end-user.


Name Description
dxTokenEditDefaultDisplayMaskDisplayText Specifies the default token display text placeholder for use in custom formatting patterns.
dxTokenEditDefaultDisplayMaskText Specifies the default token “ID text” placeholder for use in custom formatting patterns.
dxTokenEditDefaultDropDownRows Specifies the default number of simultaneously displayed rows in a drop-down list of suggested tokens.
dxTokenEditDefaultEditValueDelimiter Specifies the default character delimiting token text strings in the token editor’s edit value.
dxTokenEditDefaultFadeFrameCount Specifies the default number of frames in the fade animation applied to the background of the hot-tracked token box.
dxTokenEditDefaultInnerEditMinWidth Specifies the minimum width (in pixels) of the token editor‘s space available for the token entry.
dxTokenEditDefaultInputDelimiters Specifies the list of default delimiter characters that can finish each token entry in the token editor.


Name Description
TdxTokenEditCustomDrawTokenEvent The token editor custom draw event type.
TdxTokenEditLookupFilterSources A set of text filter sources applied to lookup operations in the token editor.
TdxTokenEditTokenClickEvent The procedural type for token box click handlers.
TdxTokenEditTokenCollectionChangingEvent The type of all events that are raised prior to changes in the token editor‘s collection of tokens.