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TcxCustomBarEditItem.Properties Property

Provides access to active in-place editor settings.


property Properties: TcxCustomEditProperties read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

Stores settings that correspond to the active in-place editor type.

Cast the property value to the corresponding class of in-place editor settings to access all public API members. Call the Properties.ClassType function to identify the actual class of in-place editor settings.

Refer to the Remarks section for the full list of available in-place editor types.


A toolbar edit item can use any editor shipped with the ExpressEditors Library as an in-place editor. An in-place editor instance exists (and, therefore, has its own WinAPI handle) only when a user activates it. Otherwise, a toolbar edit item displays a static editor image for resource usage optimization.

VCL Bars: An Embedded Combo Box Example

Use the PropertiesClass property to switch between available in-place editors if the RepositoryItem property is unspecified.

Available In-Place Editors

PropertiesClass Value In-Place Editor Description
TdxBarCodeProperties TdxBarCode A barcode control without user input functionality.
TcxBlobEditProperties TcxBlobEdit A Binary Large Object (BLOB) editor.
TcxButtonEditProperties TcxButtonEdit A single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
TcxCalcEditProperties TcxCalcEdit A single-line editor with a drop-down calculator window.
TcxCheckBoxProperties TcxCheckBox A check box editor with support for three states.
TcxCheckComboBoxProperties TcxCheckComboBox A combo box editor that can display items with check boxes.
TcxCheckGroupProperties TcxCheckGroup An editor designed to display a set of check boxes.
TcxColorComboBoxProperties TcxColorComboBox A color combo box editor.
TdxColorEditProperties TdxColorEdit An editor designed to select a color in a color gallery embedded into a drop-down window.
TcxComboBoxProperties TcxComboBox A general-purpose combo box editor.
TcxCurrencyEditProperties TcxCurrencyEdit A numeric editor for currency values.
TcxDateEditProperties TcxDateEdit A date editor with a drop-down calendar.
TdxDateTimeWheelPickerProperties TdxDateTimeWheelPicker A date/time wheel picker editor.
TcxExtLookupComboBoxProperties TcxExtLookupComboBox A lookup editor that displays a Data Grid View in a drop-down window.
TcxFontNameComboBoxProperties TcxFontNameComboBox A combo box that allows users to switch between font typefaces.
TdxFormattedLabelProperties TdxFormattedLabel A formatted label editor without user input functionality.
TcxHyperlinkEditProperties TcxHyperLinkEdit A hyperlink editor that can execute custom commands.
TcxImageProperties TcxImage An editor designed to display images.
TcxImageComboBoxProperties TcxImageComboBox A combo box whose items can display text and images.
TcxLabelProperties TcxLabel An unformatted label editor without user input functionality.
TcxLookupComboBoxProperties TcxLookupComboBox A lookup combo box populated with values from a data source.
TdxLookupSparklineProperties TdxLookupSparklineEdit A lookup sparkline editor.
TcxMaskEditProperties TcxMaskEdit A single-line text editor with support for input masks.
TcxMemoProperties TcxMemo A multi-line editor for plain text.
TcxMRUEditProperties TcxMRUEdit A single-line text editor that displays a list of most recently used (MRU) items in a drop-down window.
TdxNumericWheelPickerProperties TdxNumericWheelPicker A numeric value wheel picker editor.
TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties TdxOfficeSearchBox A search box that suggests Ribbon or Toolbar UI elements based on user input.
TcxPopupEditProperties TcxPopupEdit A text editor that can embed a control in a drop-down window.
TcxProgressBarProperties TcxProgressBar A progress bar.
TcxRadioGroupProperties TcxRadioGroup A container for radio buttons.
TdxRangeTrackBarProperties TdxRangeTrackBar A track bar editor with two sliders for value range selection.
TdxRatingControlProperties TdxRatingControl A rating control.
TcxRichEditProperties TcxRichEdit A multi-line rich text editor.
TcxShellComboBoxProperties TcxShellComboBox An editor that combines a combo box and a Shell Tree View control.
TdxSparklineProperties TdxSparklineEdit An editor that visualizes data as lightweight charts without axes and labels.
TcxSpinEditProperties TcxSpinEdit A general-purpose numeric spin editor.
TcxTextEditProperties TcxTextEdit A simple single-line text editor.
TcxTimeEditProperties TcxTimeEdit A spin editor for time values.
TdxToggleSwitchProperties TdxToggleSwitch A toggle switch editor.
TdxTokenEditProperties TdxTokenEdit A token editor.
TcxTrackBarProperties TcxTrackBar A track bar editor with one slider.


To identify the actual class of active editor settings, call the Properties.ClassType function.

Design-Time Functionality

You can select any available in-place editor from a drop-down list in the Object Inspector:

VCL Bars: An In-Place Editor List in the Object Inspector

Code Example

The following code example assigns a spin editor to the bar edit item and limits the editor’s input value range:

// ...
// ...
  ASpinEditProperties: TcxSpinEditProperties;
  cxBarEditItem1.PropertiesClass := TcxSpinEditProperties; // Assigns an in-place spin editor
  ASpinEditProperties := cxBarEditItem1.Properties as TcxSpinEditProperties;
  ASpinEditProperties.MinValue := 0;  // Sets the minimum edit value
  ASpinEditProperties.MaxValue := 1000;  // Sets the maximum edit value
  ASpinEditProperties.Circular := True;  // Loops value changes within the defined range


If an editor has unbound and data-aware versions, you can embed only unbound editors into bar edit items.

Default In-Place Editor Type

The bar edit item embeds a simple single-line text editor (TcxTextEdit) if PropertiesClass, PropertiesClassName, and RepositoryItem properties are unspecified.

See Also