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cxFontNameComboBox Unit

In This Article


Name Description
TcxCustomFontNameComboBox Serves as the base class for classes that implement combo box editors providing a list of fonts.
TcxCustomFontNameComboBoxProperties Contains attributes specific to the font name combo box.
TcxFontNameComboBox Represents a combo box control containing font names available for selection.
TcxFontNameComboBoxProperties Stores settings of a font name combo box editor (also called font picker).
TcxFontPreview Contains the preview area’s settings.
TcxMRUFontNameItem Represents an item in the MRU font list.
TcxMRUFontNameItems Represents the MRUFontNames collection.


Name Description
TcxMRUFontNameAction Contains values returned by methods that manage the MRU font list.