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DevExpress.DashboardCommon Namespace

Contains classes that implement the core DevExpress Dashboard functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Dashboard.Core


Name Description
AbsoluteVariationNumericFormat Contains format settings for numeric delta values expressed as absolute variations.
AppearanceSettings Contains style settings used to apply conditional formatting by changing appearance settings.
BarStyleSettings Contains style settings used to change colors of bars used in conditional formatting.
BeforeExportDocumentEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeExportDocument events.
BeforeFillExtractEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardExtractDataSource.BeforeFill event.
BoundImageDashboardItem A Bound Image dashboard item.
BubbleMapDashboardItem A Bubble Map dashboard item that allows you to place bubbles on the map using geographical coordinates.
CalculatedField A calculated field that allows you to apply complex expressions to data fields obtained from the data source.
CalculatedFieldCollection A collection of CalculatedField objects.
Card A card template used to display a series of cards in the CardDashboardItem.
CardCenteredLayoutTemplate The Centered layout template used to center card elements so that they occupy a specified width/height.
CardCollection A collection that contains Card objects.
CardCompactLayoutTemplate The Compact layout template used to arrange card elements so that they occupy the minimum area.
CardCustomLayoutTemplate The Custom layout template that allows you to create a card layout manually.
CardDashboardItem A Card dashboard item that displays a series of KPI elements (cards), each illustrating the difference between two values.
CardDeltaOptions Contains options that control how the difference between actual and target values should be displayed.
CardElementCollection A collection of CardRowElementBase descendants that are a card’s visual elements.
CardFormatRuleDimensionLayoutElement A card’s dimension layout element to which a format rule applies.
CardFormatRuleLayoutElement Lists values that specify the card’s layout elements to which the format rule applies.
CardFormatRuleTextLayoutElement A card’s text layout element to which a format rule applies.
CardItemDeltaFormatRule A format rule that is calculated by delta and used to apply conditional formatting to the Card dashboard item.
CardItemFormatRule A format rule that is calculated by data items and used to apply conditional formatting to the Card dashboard item.
CardItemFormatRuleBase Serves as the base class for classes that are format rules for the Card item.
CardItemFormatRuleCollection A collection of CardItemFormatRuleBase descendants that are format rules for the Card item.
CardLayout Contains settings related to the layout of cards for the CardDashboardItem.
CardLayoutTemplate Serves as the base for classes that define a layout template for the CardDashboardItem.
CardLayoutTemplateDataElement A visual element within a card layout that displays bound data in text form.
CardLayoutTemplateElement A visual element within a card layout.
CardLightweightLayoutTemplate The Lightweight layout template that displays the minimum set of elements within a card.
CardRow A row in the CardDashboardItem‘s layout.
CardRowBase Serves as the base for classes that are rows in the CardDashboardItem‘s layout.
CardRowCollection A collection of CardRow objects that are rows in a card’s layout.
CardRowDataElement A card element that displays bound data.
CardRowElementBase Serves as the base for classes that are a card’s visual elements.
CardRowIndicatorElement A delta indicator within a card.
CardRowTextElement A card element that displays static text.
CardRowTextElementBase Serves as the base for classes that are card elements displaying text data.
CardSparklineRow A sparkline row in the CardDashboardItem‘s layout.
CardStretchedLayoutTemplate The Stretched layout template that arranges card elements so that they occupy an entire card area.
CardWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the CardDashboardItem.
CellsItemFormatRule Serves as the base for classes used to apply conditional formatting to a dashboard item‘s cells.
ChartAxis Serves as the base class for classes that represent chart axes.
ChartAxisX The chart’s X-axis.
ChartAxisY The chart’s Y-axis.
ChartContext Provides a connection between data item containers from the Values section and series from an underlying control.
ChartCustomIndicator A custom indicator in a chart dashboard item.
ChartDashboardItem A Chart dashboard item that visualizes data in an XY-diagram.
ChartDashboardItemBase Serves as the base class for chart dashboard items, such as the ChartDashboardItem and PieDashboardItem.
ChartIndicatorBase Contains settings for Trend Indicators of the Chart dashboard item.
ChartIndicatorCollection A collection of trend indicators.
ChartInteractivityOptions Contains options related to the specifics of Master Filtering and drill-down in the Chart and Pie dashboard items.
ChartItemFormatRule A format rule that is used to apply conditional formatting to the Chart dashboard item.
ChartItemFormatRuleBase Serves as the base class for classes that are format rules for the Chart and ScatterChart dashboard items.
ChartItemFormatRuleCollection A collection of ChartItemFormatRule descendants that are format rules of a Chart item.
ChartLegend A chart legend.
ChartPane A chart pane.
ChartPaneCollection A collection of ChartPane objects.
ChartRegressionLine A regression line in a chart dashboard item that shows data using a mathematical formula that minimizes the distance between the line itself and associated data points.
ChartSecondaryAxisY The chart’s secondary Y-axis.
ChartSeries Serves as the base class for chart series.
ChartSeriesCollection A collection of Chart dashboard item‘s series.
ChartSeriesCollectionBase<TSeries> Serves as the base class for classes that represent collections of chart series.
ChartTrendLine A trend line in a chart dashboard item that shows trends in the series data.
ChartWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the ChartDashboardItem.
ChoroplethMap Serves as the base class for classes that provide values for different types of the ChoroplethMapDashboardItem.
ChoroplethMapCollection A collection of ChoroplethMap descendants.
ChoroplethMapDashboardItem A Choropleth Map dashboard item that colors areas depending on the provided values.
ColorDefinition A color definition.
ColorScheme A color scheme used to color dashboard item elements.
ColorSchemeDimensionKey A dimension key used to specify dimension values to be colored.
ColorSchemeEntry A color scheme entry used to map the dimension values/measures and the specified color.
ColorSchemeMeasureKey A measure key used to specify measures to be colored.
ColorStyleSettings Contains color settings for conditional formatting.
ComboBoxDashboardItem A Combo Box dashboard item that allows end-users to filter other dashboard items.
ConfigureItemDataCalculationEventArgs Provides data for the ConfigureItemDataCalculation event.
ConfigureOlapConnectionEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardOlapDataSource.ConfigureOlapConnection event.
ControlContext A base class for classes that provide a connection between Dashboard items and corresponding underlying controls.
CustomDashboardItem Contains base functionality for custom dashboard items. This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CustomDashboardItem<T> A custom dashboard item.
CustomDashboardItemConfigurationException The exceptions that occur when a custom item’s metadata is not registered or a CustomControlProviderBase descendant is not assigned to the e.CustomControlProvider property.
CustomExportBaseEventArgs Serves as the base for classes that provide data for events used to customize exported documents.
CustomExportEventArgs Provides data for the CustomExport events.
CustomItemBindingValue Contains information about data items saved in custom item metadata.
CustomItemData Contains methods that allow you to work with custom item data.
CustomItemDescriptionAttribute Specifies tooltip text that is displayed for a custom item’s bar in the Ribbon.
CustomItemExportControlCreatingEventArgs Provides data for the CustomItemExportControlCreating event.
CustomItemExportInfo Contains custom item export settings.
CustomItemImageAttribute Specifies an icon for a custom item’s bar in the Ribbon.
CustomItemMetadata A base class that contains metadata for custom dashboard items.
CustomItemMetadataTypes A collection of metadata types.
CustomItemSelection Contains methods that allow you to get the master filter‘s current state.
CustomItemWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the CustomDashboardItem. For internal use.
CustomizeExportDocumentEventArgs Provides data for the CustomizeExportDocument events.
CustomPalette Represents a palette that contains a specified set of colors.
CustomPaletteEventArgs Provides data for the CustomPalette events.
CustomParametersEventArgs Provides data for the CustomParameters event.
CustomProperties A collection of custom properties.
CustomPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardViewer.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged and DashboardDesigner.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged events.
CustomScale Represents the scale that defines custom distribution of colors in the color range.
CustomShapefile Represents a custom shapefile that is used to provide a map for the map dashboard items (such as Choropleth or Geo Point maps).
CustomShapefileData Represents custom shapefile data.
Dashboard Contains the full description of a dashboard used to visualize data.
DashboardConfigureDataConnectionEventArgs Provides data for ConfigureDataConnection events.
DashboardConnectionErrorEventArgs Provides data for ConnectionError events.
DashboardConnectionException The exception that occurs when there is a problem with a connection to a database.
DashboardCustomAssemblyLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the CustomAssemblyLoading events.
DashboardCustomFilterExpressionEventArgs Provides data for the Dashboard.CustomFilterExpression event.
DashboardDataAxisNames static Lists constants used to identify various types of data axes.
DashboardDataLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the Dashboard.DataLoading event.
DashboardDataLoadingException The exception that occurs during loading data to a data source.
DashboardDataRow Represents an individual record from the DashboardDataSet.
DashboardDataSet Represents a list of records displayed within the dashboard item.
DashboardDataSourceModel Accumulates intermediate data source settings during the execution of a Data Source wizard.
DashboardEFDataSource An Entity Framework data source that provides data for the dashboard.
DashboardExcelDataSource A data source used to extract data from Microsoft Excel workbooks or CSV files.
DashboardExcelDataSourceBeforeFillEventArgs Provides data for the ExcelDataSourceBeforeFill event.
DashboardExcelExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to Excel format.
DashboardExporter Allows you to implement server export of a dashboard or dashboard items for all platforms.
DashboardExporterBase The base class for the DashboardExporter and WebDashboardExporter components.
DashboardExporterConnectionErrorEventArgs Provides data for the ConnectionError event.
DashboardExportSettings static Contains settings related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard items.
DashboardExtractDataSource An extract data source that is a local snapshot of data.
DashboardFederationDataSource A federated data source that retrieves data from different data sources.
DashboardFlatDataColumn A data column in DashboardFlatDataSource.
DashboardFlatDataSource A data source that contains a custom item‘s data in a tabular format.
DashboardFlatDataSourceOptions Contains DashboardFlatDataSource settings.
DashboardFlatDataSourceRow An individual record from DashboardFlatDataSource.
DashboardImageExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to an image.
DashboardInternalException The exception that occurs during dashboard application execution.
DashboardItem Serves as the base class for dashboard items.
DashboardItemCollection A collection that contains dashboard items.
DashboardItemColoringOptions Contains dashboard item coloring options.
DashboardItemDataLoadingError An error occurred while a dashboard item loaded data.
DashboardItemDataLoadingErrorEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardItemDataLoadingError event.
DashboardItemFormatRule Represents a format rule used to apply conditional formatting to dashboard items.
DashboardItemGroup Represents a group used to arrange dashboard items within a dashboard.
DashboardItemGroupCollection A collection of DashboardItemGroup objects.
DashboardItemGroupInteractivityOptions Contains options that control interactivity features, such as Master Filtering and drill-down.
DashboardItemInteractivityOptions Contains options that control interactivity features, such as Master Filtering and drill-down.
DashboardItemState A dashboard item state that includes selected master filter values, current drill-down values, etc.
DashboardItemVisualInteractivityBaseEventArgs Serves as a base class for classes that provides data for the DashboardDesigner.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity / DashboardViewer.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity / DashboardControl.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity events.
DashboardJsonDataSource A data source that retrieves data stored in JSON format.
DashboardLayoutGroup A layout group used to arrange layout items or other groups within a dashboard.
DashboardLayoutItem Represents a layout item that displays a dashboard item.
DashboardLayoutNode Serves as the base class for layout items and groups.
DashboardLayoutNodeCollection A collection of DashboardLayoutNode elements representing layout items and groups.
DashboardLayoutTabContainer A layout tab container used to arrange layout tab pages within a dashboard.
DashboardLayoutTabPage A layout tab page used to arrange layout items and groups.
DashboardMongoDBDataSource A data source that retrieves data from MongoDB.
DashboardObjectDataSource An object data source that provides data for the dashboard.
DashboardOlapDataSource An OLAP data source that provides data for the dashboard.
DashboardOptionsChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Dashboard.OptionsChanged event.
DashboardPalette A palette that contains colors used to paint dashboard item elements.
DashboardParameter A dashboard parameter.
DashboardParameterCollection A collection of DashboardParameter objects.
DashboardParameterState A state of dashboard parameters that includes currently selected parameter values.
DashboardPdfExportOptions Contains options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.
DashboardPrintPreviewOptions Contains options related to printing a dashboard/dashboard item.
DashboardPrivateSettings static Contains experimental settings that affect dashboard controls and their elements.
DashboardSettings static Contains appearance and behavior settings common to WinForms/WPF Dashboard Controls.
DashboardSpecialValues static Provides access to the dashboard special values.
DashboardSqlDataSource An SQL data source that provides data for the dashboard.
DashboardState A data container for changes resulting from end-user interaction - selected master filter values, drill-down levels, Range Filter settings, dashboard item layers and current parameter values.
DashboardTabPage A tab page in a TabContainerDashboardItem.
DashboardTabPageCollection A collection of DashboardTabPage objects.
DashboardTitle Represents a dashboard title.
DashboardToggles static Contains settings that can be used to enable or disable a specific Dashboard functionality.
DashboardUnderlyingDataRow Represents an individual record from the DashboardUnderlyingDataSet.
DashboardUnderlyingDataSet Represents a list of records from the dashboard data source.
DashboardXpoDataSource Retrieves data from XPO (eXpress Persistent Objects).
DataDashboardItem Serves as the base class for data-bound dashboard items.
DataItem Serves as the base class for data items - measures and dimensions.
DataItemCollection<TDataItem> Serves as the base class for classes that represent collections of DataItem descendants.
DataItemContainer Serves as the base class for data item containers.
DataItemContainerCollection<TContainer> A collection of DataItemContainer descendants.
DataItemDateTimeFormat Contains formatting settings for date-time values.
DataItemDefinition A data item definition.
DataItemNumericFormat Contains format settings for numeric values.
DataLoadingError An error occurred during loading data to a data source.
DataLoadingErrorEventArgs Provides data for the DataLoadingError events.
DataLoadingEventArgs Contains members used to fill an Object data source with data.
DataSource Obsolete. A data source that provides data for the dashboard.
DataSourceCollection A collection that contains dashboard data sources.
DataSourceEventArgs Serves as the base class for classes that provide data for dashboard events.
DataSourceFilterContainsAggrFunctionException Occurs when the Object or Excel data source attempts to apply a filter containing the Aggr function.
DateFilterDashboardItem A Date Filter dashboard item that allows end users to filter other dashboard items by date-time values.
DateTimePeriod A date-time period that is used to select a predefined range in the Range Filter and Date Filter items.
DateTimePeriodCollection A collection of DateTimePeriod objects.
DateTimePeriodLimitBase Serves as the base class for classes that are used to specify boundaries for the DateTimePeriod.
DefaultGroupIntervalAttribute Specifies the default group interval for data items.
DeltaMap Contains measures that provide data used to visualize the difference between these measures in the ChoroplethMapDashboardItem.
DeltaOptions Contains options that control how the difference between actual and target values should be displayed.
DeltaOptionsBase Serves as the base for classes that control how the difference between actual and target values should be displayed.
DeltaValue Contains delta element values.
DifferenceCalculation A difference calculation that is used to compute the difference between measure values across a window.
Dimension A dimension that is a DataItem whose values are used to categorize data.
DimensionCollection A collection of Dimension objects.
DimensionDefinition A dimension definition.
DimensionTopNOptions Contains the Top N settings.
DimensionValue Contains dimension values at the specified axis point.
DrillActionEventArgs Provides data for the DrillDownPerformed and DrillUpPerformed events of the DashboardDesigner and DashboardViewer.
DuplicateDataItemIdException The exception that occurs when you have two data items with the same id.
DynamicListLookUpSettings Provides the look-up editor settings for dashboard parameters that are bound to a data source.
EmptyDataItemPlaceholderAttribute Specifies placeholder text for a pane where you can place a data item.
ExcelDataSourceConnectionParameters Contains parameters used to establish a connection to an Excel workbook or CSV file.
ExcelExportOptions Obsolete. Contains options which define how the dashboard item is exported to Excel format.
ExportFontInfo Contains the font settings of the exported document.
ExtractCacheBase Serves as the base class for classes that are in-memory caches used by the Extract Data Source.
ExtractCacheOptions static Provides access to cache options of the Extract Data Source.
ExtractConnectionErrorEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardExtractDataSource.ConnectionError event.
ExtractDataSourceConnectionParameters Contains parameters used to establish a connection to an Extract Data Source.
ExtractDataSourceConnectionParametersBase Serves as the base class for classes containing parameters used to establish a connection to DashboardExtractDataSource.
ExtractDriverStorage static A storage of drivers used to manage writing/reading operations for data extracts.
ExtractPersistentCache A persistent in-memory cache used by the Extract Data Source.
ExtractSourceOptions Contains settings of the original data source used to create a data extract.
ExtractWeakCache A weak in-memory cache used by the Extract Data Source.
FileExtractDriver A default driver used to write data to/read data from a standard data extract stored in a file.
FilterableDashboardItemInteractivityOptions Contains options related to the specifics of Master Filtering in the dashboard items that can be filtered.
FilterElementDashboardItem Serves as the base class for classes that represent filter elements.
FilterElementDefaultValuesEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for FilterElementDefaultValues events.
FixedDateTimePeriodLimit A fixed date-time value used to specify boundaries for the DateTimePeriod.
FlowDateTimePeriodLimit A floating date-time value used to specify boundaries for the DateTimePeriod.
FormatConditionAverage A format condition used to apply formatting according to the average value.
FormatConditionBar A format condition used to visualize numeric values using bars.
FormatConditionBarOptions Contains options related to format conditions that use a bar to visualize numeric values.
FormatConditionBase Serves as a base for classes that represent format conditions used to apply formatting.
FormatConditionColorRangeBar A format condition used to visualize numeric values using bars whose colors are contained in the specified color set.
FormatConditionDateOccuring Use the FormatConditionDateOccurring class instead.
FormatConditionDateOccurring A format condition used to apply formatting to date-time values concerning a specific date and/or date interval relative to today.
FormatConditionExpression A format condition used to apply formatting according to the specified expression.
FormatConditionGradientRangeBar A format condition used to visualize numeric values using bars whose colors are contained in the specified color gradient.
FormatConditionMinMaxBase Serves as the base class for classes that provides the capability to specify minimum/maximum values used in visualizing numeric data.
FormatConditionRangeBase Serves as a base for classes that are used to apply conditional formatting using value ranges.
FormatConditionRangeGradient A format condition used to apply formatting using value ranges and a specified color gradient.
FormatConditionRangeSet A format condition used to apply formatting using value ranges and corresponding style settings.
FormatConditionStyleBase Serves as a base for classes used to apply conditional formatting by modifying style settings.
FormatConditionTopBottom A format condition used to apply formatting to top/bottom values.
FormatConditionValue A format condition used to apply formatting according to predefined values.
FormatRuleCollection<T> Serves as a base for classes that are collections of DashboardItemFormatRule descendants.
Gauge Contains measures that provide data for a gauge in the GaugeDashboardItem.
GaugeCollection A collection of Gauge objects.
GaugeDashboardItem A Gauge dashboard item that visualizes data within a series of KPI elements (gauges).
GaugeExportContext Provides a connection between data item containers from the Gauges section and underlying control’s gauges during export.
GaugeWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the GaugeDashboardItem.
GeoPointMapDashboardItem A Geo Point Map dashboard item that allows you to place callouts on the map using geographical coordinates.
GeoPointMapDashboardItemBase Serves as the base class for Map dashboard items that visualize data based on the geographical coordinates.
GradientPalette Represents a palette that contains a gradient between two given colors.
GridColumnBase Serves as the base for classes that represent grid columns.
GridColumnCollection A collection containing GridColumnBase descendants that are columns of the Grid dashboard item.
GridColumnFilterOptions Contains settings of the column filters that allow users to search data in the Grid item.
GridColumnTotal A total calculated based on Grid column values.
GridColumnTotalCollection A collection of GridColumnTotal objects that are totals calculated based on Grid column values.
GridDashboardItem A Grid dashboard item that visualizes data in tabular form.
GridDeltaColumn A delta column in a GridDashboardItem.
GridDimensionColumn A dimension column in a GridDashboardItem.
GridHyperlinkColumn A hyperlink column in a GridDashboardItem.
GridItemFormatRule A format rule used to apply conditional formatting to the Grid dashboard item.
GridItemFormatRuleCollection A collection of GridItemFormatRule objects.
GridMeasureColumn A measure column in a GridDashboardItem.
GridOptions Contains options of the GridDashboardItem.
GridSparklineColumn A sparkline column in a GridDashboardItem.
GridWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the GridDashboardItem.
HighLowCloseSeries A High-Low-Close series.
IconSettings Contains style settings used to apply conditional formatting using icons.
ImageDashboardItem An Image dashboard item that displays static images.
IndicatorFactory static Contains the custom indicator types used in a chart dashboard item.
InvalidCultureNameException The exception that occurs when it is impossible to create the CultureInfo object for the provided locale.
JsonConnectionParametersBase Serves as the base class for classes containing parameters used to establish a connection to DashboardJsonDataSource.
JsonSourceConnectionParameters Provides access to connection parameters of the JSON data source.
KpiDashboardItem<TKpiElement> Serves as the base class for dashboard items used to communicate KPI-related data.
KpiElement Serves as the base for classes that provide data for card and gauge dashboard items.
LayoutDimensionOptions Contains settings that allow you to adjust the height and width of a dashboard surface.
LayoutOptions Contains dashboard layout settings.
ListBoxDashboardItem A List Box dashboard item that allows end-users to filter other dashboard items.
MapDashboardItem Serves as the base class for map dashboard items.
MapLegend A color map legend.
MapLegendBase Serves as the base class for classes that represent map legends.
MapPalette Serves as the base class for classes that represent map palettes.
MapScale Serves as the base class for classes representing the scale that defines the distribution of colors in the color range.
MasterFilterClearedEventArgs Provides data for the MasterFilterCleared event of the DashboardDesigner and DashboardViewer.
MasterFilterDefaultValuesEventArgs Provides data for the MasterFilterDefaultValues events.
MasterFilterSetEventArgs Provides data for the MasterFilterSet event of the DashboardDesigner and DashboardViewer.
Measure A measure which is a DataItem whose values are summarized before they are used in the dashboard.
MeasureCalculation Serves as the base class for classes that are measure calculations allowing you to apply specific computations to Measure values that are related to the currently processed value.
MeasureCalculationWindowDefinition Serves as the base class for classes that specify a window definition used to perform calculations within different dashboard items.
MeasureCollection A collection of Measure objects.
MeasureDefinition A measure definition.
MeasureDefinitionCollection A collection of MeasureDefinition objects.
MeasureValue Contains the measure value and display text.
MovingCalculation A moving calculation that is computed for the specified measure across a window.
NamedDataItemContainer Serves as the base class for named data item containers.
ObjectDataSourceFillParameters Contains parameters used to fill the DashboardObjectDataSource.
OlapConnectionException THe exception that occurs when you try to connect to OLAP cubes.
OlapDataConnection Represents a connection to a cube in an MS Analysis Services database.
OlapDataProvider Obsolete. Represents a data provider for an OLAP data source.
OpenHighLowCloseSeries An Open-High-Low-Close series.
PaletteColorCollection A collection of palette colors.
ParameterLookUpSettings Serves as the base class for classes that provide the look-up editor settings for dashboard parameters.
PercentNumericFormat Contains format settings for numeric delta values expressed as percentage.
PercentOfTotalCalculation A calculation that is used to compute a percent of the total for the specified measure across a window.
PieDashboardItem A Pie dashboard item that displays a series of pies or donuts.
PieMapDashboardItem A Pie Map dashboard item that allows you to place pies on the map using geographical coordinates.
PieWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the PieDashboardItem.
PivotDashboardItem A Pivot dashboard item that displays cross-tabular reports.
PivotItemFormatRule A format rule used to apply conditional formatting to the Pivot dashboard item.
PivotItemFormatRuleCollection A collection of PivotItemFormatRule objects.
PivotItemFormatRuleLevel A pivot level used to apply conditional formatting to specific cells.
PivotWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the PivotDashboardItem.
PointLabelOptions Contains options related to series point labels.
PointLabelOptionsBase Serves as the base for classes containing options related to chart point labels.
RangeFilterDashboardItem A Range Filter dashboard item that allows end-users to apply filtering to other dashboard items.
RangeFilterDefaultValueEventArgs Provides data for the RangeFilterDefaultValue events.
RangeFilterPredefinedDateTimePeriodsEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardDesigner.RangeFilterPredefinedDateTimePeriods event.
RangeFilterSelection A range in the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard items.
RangeFilterSeriesCollection A collection of series displayed within the RangeFilterDashboardItem.
RangeFilterState A state of the Range Filter dashboard item.
RangeFilterWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the RangeFilterDashboardItem.
RangeInfo Provides custom range boundaries and corresponding style settings used to apply conditional formatting to value ranges.
RangeSeries A Range series.
RangeSet A collection of RangeInfo objects providing custom range boundaries and corresponding style settings used to apply conditional formatting to value ranges.
RangeStopCollection A collection of endpoints for color ranges in the custom palette.
RankCalculation A rank calculation that is used to compute rankings for the specified measure across a window.
RunningTotalCalculation A running total calculation that is used to compute a cumulative total for the specified measure across a window.
ScatterChartAxis A scatter chart’s axis.
ScatterChartDashboardItem A Scatter Chart dashboard item that visualizes relationships between numerical variables.
ScatterChartItemFormatRule A format rule that is used to apply conditional formatting to the Scatter Chart dashboard item.
ScatterChartItemFormatRuleCollection A collection of ScatterChartItemFormatRule descendants that are format rules of a Scatter Chart dashboard item.
ScatterPointLabelOptions Contains options related to point labels of a scatter chart.
ScatterWindowDefinition A window definition used to perform calculations within the ScatterChartDashboardItem.
SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DashboardDesigner.SelectedTabPageChanged, DashboardViewer.SelectedTabPageChanged and DashboardControl.SelectedTabPageChanged events.
SeriesDashboardItem Serves as the base class for dashboard item that have the Series data section.
SetInitialDashboardStateBaseEventArgs Base class that provides data for the platform-specific SetInitialDashboardState events.
SimpleSeries A Simple series.
SingleFilterDefaultValueEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for the SingleFilterDefaultValue events.
SparklineOptions Contains options used to control the sparkline appearance.
SpecificWindowDefinition A window definition that defines a window by specifying a predefined set of dimensions.
SqlDataProvider Obsolete. Represents a data provider for regular data sources.
StaticListLookUpSettings Provides the look-up editor settings for dashboard parameters that are not bound to a data source.
StyleSettingsBase Serves as the base for classes providing style settings used to apply conditional formatting.
SupportColoringAttribute Specifies whether data items in a section support coloring.
SupportedDataTypesAttribute Specifies types of data fields that can be used for data items in a section.
SupportInteractivityAttribute Specifies whether data items in a data section support interactivity.
TabContainerDashboardItem A tab container used to arrange dashboard items and groups within a dashboard.
TextBoxDashboardItem A Text Box dashboard item used to display rich text within a dashboard.
TreemapDashboardItem A Treemap dashboard item that allows you to display large amounts of hierarchically structured (tree-structured) data.
TreemapDashboardItemInteractivityOptions Contains options related to the specifics of Master Filtering in the Treemap dashboard item.
TreeViewDashboardItem A Tree View dashboard item that allows end-users to filter other dashboard items.
UniformScale Represents the scale that defines uniform distribution of colors in the color range.
UnregisteredIndicatorException The exception that occurs when a trend indicator’s custom type is not registered in the application.
UpdateExtractDataSourceConnectionParameters For internal use
ValidateDashboardCustomSqlQueryEventArgs Provides data for ValidateCustomSqlQuery events.
ValueMap Contains a measure that provides data to color a map in the ChoroplethMapDashboardItem.
WeightedLegend A weighted map legend used to identify values corresponding to specific bubble/pie sizes.
WeightedSeries A Weighted series that allow you to visualize data in three dimensions.
XpoDataSourceConnectionParameters Contains parameters used to establish a connection to the XPO (eXpress Persistent Objects).
XRDashboardGauge A printable gauge in the exported Gauge dashboard item.
XRDashboardItemPanel A Panel control that can contain other controls.
XRGaugeDashboardItem A panel that represents a Gauge dashboard item in the exported document.
XRTextBox An XRTextBox control that displays a TextBox dashboard item in the exported document.


Name Description
ICustomExportControlProvider Allows you to specify a printable control that corresponds to the custom dashboard item.
ICustomExtractDriver When implemented, represents a custom driver used to write data to/read data from a data extract.
ICustomPropertyHistoryAttribute<T> Specifies the message displayed in the Dashboard Designer’s history when a user changes a custom property value.
ICustomPropertyProvider When implemented, provides an access to the collection of custom properties.
ICustomPropertyValueConverterAttribute<T> Converts a custom property value declared in metadata from its original type to a string and vice versa.
IDashboardDataSource If implemented by a class, provides members related to a dashboard data source.
IDashboardItemContainer Provides base properties for dashboard containers.
IDataSourceCacheKey Defines members for data source cache keys.
IDriverReadSession When implemented, represents a session used to read data from a data extract.
IDriverWriteSession When implemented, represents a session used to write data to a data extract.
IObjectDataSourceCustomFillService Allows you to implement a custom fill service for the DashboardObjectDataSource.


Name Description
BeforeExportDocumentEventHandler References a method that handles the BeforeExportDocument events.
ChartIndicatorCalculateFunction Calculates data points that are used to draw a custom trend indicator in the Chart dashboard item.
ConfigureOlapConnectionEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardOlapDataSource.ConfigureOlapConnection event.
CustomExportEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardDesigner.CustomExport and DashboardViewer.CustomExport events.
CustomizeExportDocumentEventHandler References a method that handles the CustomizeExportDocument events.
CustomPaletteEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardDesigner.CustomPalette and DashboardViewer.CustomPalette events.
CustomParametersEventHandler References a method that handles the CustomParameters event.
CustomPropertyChangedEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardDesigner.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged, DashboardViewer.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged, IDashboardControl.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged events.
DashboardConfigureDataConnectionEventHandler References a method that handles the ConnectionError events.
DashboardConnectionErrorEventHandler References a method that handles the ConnectionError events.
DashboardCustomAssemblyLoadingEventHandler References a method that handles the CustomAssemblyLoading events.
DashboardCustomFilterExpressionEventHandler References a method that handles the Dashboard.CustomFilterExpression event.
DashboardDataLoadingEventHandler References a method that handles the Dashboard.DataLoading event.
DashboardExporterConnectionErrorEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardExporterConnectionError events.
DashboardItemDataLoadingErrorEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardItemDataLoadingError events.
DashboardOptionsChangedEventHandler References a method that handles the Dashboard.OptionsChanged event.
DataLoadingErrorEventHandler References a method that handles the DataLoadingError events.
DataLoadingEventHandler References a method that handles DataLoading events.
DrillActionEventHandler References a method that handles the DrillDownPerformed and DrillUpPerformed events of the DashboardDesigner, DashboardViewer, and DashboardControl.
ExtractConnectionErrorEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardExtractDataSource.ConnectionError event.
FilterElementDefaultValuesEventHandler Obsolete. References a method that handles FilterElementDefaultValues events.
MasterFilterClearedEventHandler References a method that handles the MasterFilterCleared event of the DashboardDesigner and DashboardViewer.
MasterFilterDefaultValuesEventHandler References a method that handles the MasterFilterDefaultValues events.
MasterFilterSetEventHandler References a method that handles the MasterFiltersSet event of the DashboardDesigner and DashboardViewer.
RangeFilterDefaultValueEventHandler References a method that handles the RangeFilterDefaultValue events.
RangeFilterPredefinedDateTimePeriodsEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardDesigner.RangeFilterPredefinedDateTimePeriods event.
SelectedTabPageChangedEventHandler References a method that handles the DashboardDesigner.SelectedTabPageChanged, DashboardViewer.SelectedTabPageChanged and DashboardControl.SelectedTabPageChanged events.
SingleFilterDefaultValueEventHandler Obsolete. References a method that handles the SingleFilterDefaultValue event.
ValidateDashboardCustomSqlQueryEventHandler References a method that handles ValidateCustomSqlQuery events.


Name Description
CalculatedFieldType Lists values used to specify the type of calculated field.
CardHorizontalAlignment Lists values that identify the horizontal alignment of a visual element within a card layout row.
CardPredefinedColor Lists values that identify colors used to paint text visual elements within a card layout row.
CardRowDataElementType Lists values that identify the type of a value displayed within a card layout row.
CardVerticalAlignment Lists values that identify the vertical alignment of a card layout row.
CardWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the CardDashboardItem.
ChartLegendInsidePosition Lists the values that specify the legend position and orientation within a chart diagram.
ChartLegendOutsidePosition Lists the values that specify the legend position and orientation outside the chart diagram.
ChartWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the ChartDashboardItem.
ColoringMode Lists values used to set the coloring mode for dimension values and measures.
ComboBoxDashboardItemType Lists values that specify the type of the Combo Box dashboard item.
ContentArrangementMode Lists values that specify how individual elements contained within the dashboard item (such as Card, Pie or Gauge) should be arranged.
CustomNumericFormatMode Lists values used to specify a custom numeric format mode.
DashboardExportAction Lists values that specify the export action performed by an end-user.
DashboardExportCompatibilityMode Lists values specifying the compatibility mode used to export a dashboard/dashboard items.
DashboardExportFormat Lists values that specify the format used to export a dashboard/dashboard item.
DashboardExportMode Lists values that specifies the document export mode.
DashboardExportScaleMode Obsolete. Lists values that specify a scale mode when exporting a dashboard/dashboard item.
DashboardFormatCondition Lists values specifying comparison operators used to apply conditional styles.
DashboardFormatConditionAboveBelowType Lists values used to specify the comparison logic used to apply formatting according to the average value.
DashboardFormatConditionComparisonType Lists values used to specify the comparison logic used to apply conditional formatting.
DashboardFormatConditionTopBottomType Lists values used to apply conditional formatting to top/bottom values.
DashboardFormatConditionValueType Lists values used to specify the value type used in conditional formatting.
DashboardItemMasterFilterMode Lists values that specify the selection mode of the master filter item.
DashboardLayoutGroupOrientation Lists values that specify the orientation of layout items and groups within the group.
DashboardSettingsCompatibilityMode Lists values that specify the DevExpress installation version.
DashboardTitleAlignment Lists values that specify the alignment of the dashboard title.
DashboardTreemapLayoutAlgorithm Lists values that specify a layout algorithm used to arrange tiles of TreemapDashboardItem.
DashboardTreemapLayoutDirection Lists values that specify a layout direction used to arrange tiles of TreemapDashboardItem depending on their sizes.
DataItemNumericFormatType Lists values that specify format types for numeric values.
DataItemNumericUnit Lists values that specify numeric units.
DataProcessingMode Lists values used to specify the data processing mode.
DataSourceFieldType Lists values that specify the field type used for data items in a section.
DateFilterArrangementMode Lists values used to specify how the DateFilter dashboard item arranges quick filter elements.
DateFilterType Lists how the Date Filter range’s Start and End values can be interpreted to filter dates.
DateFormat Lists values that specify format types for date values.
DatePickerLocation Lists values used to specify the Date Picker’s location in the Date Filter.
DateTimeFormat Lists values that specify format types for date-time values.
DateTimeGroupInterval Lists values that specify the group interval for date-time values.
DateTimeInterval Lists values that identify available date-time intervals for the FlowDateTimePeriodLimit.
DateTimePeriodFilterType Lists values that identify filter types available in the Edit Periods dialog.
DayOfWeekFormat Lists values that specify format types for days of the week.
DefaultColoringMode Lists default coloring mode values.
DeltaIndicationMode Lists values that specify types of indication displayed within delta elements.
DeltaIndicationThresholdType Lists values that define how the comparison tolerance is specified.
DeltaValueType Lists values that specify types of values displayed within delta elements.
DifferenceTarget Lists values used to calculate differences in the DifferenceCalculation.
DifferenceType A difference type of the DifferenceCalculation.
DimensionSortMode Lists the values that specify how dimension values should be sorted.
DimensionSortOrder Lists values that specify the sort order for dimension values.
DimensionTopNMode Lists values that specify whether the largest or smallest values should be displayed.
ExactDateFormat Lists values that specify format types for date-time values grouped using the DateTimeGroupInterval.None group interval.
ExcelExportFilterState Lists values that specify the filter state’s location in the exported Excel file.
ExtractUpdateResult Lists values passed as a parameter to the action specified in the UpdateExtractDataSourcesAsync method overloads.
FormatConditionAppearanceType Lists values used to specify style settings used in conditional formatting.
FormatConditionIconType Lists values used to specify the icon used in conditional formatting.
FormatConditionIntersectionLevelMode Lists values used to specify the level on which to apply conditional formatting to pivot cells.
FormatConditionRangeGradientPredefinedType Lists predefined color gradients used to apply conditional formatting using value ranges.
FormatConditionRangeSetPredefinedType Lists predefined styles used to apply conditional formatting using value ranges.
FormatRuleChartElement Lists values that specify the chart element to which a format rule applies.
GaugeViewType Lists values that specify types of gauges.
GridColumnFixedWidthType Lists values that specify the mode used to manage the width of individual columns.
GridColumnTotalType Lists values that specify the summary function used to calculate a total for the Grid column.
GridColumnWidthMode Lists values that specify the mode used to manage grid column widths.
GridDeltaColumnDisplayMode Lists values that specify how delta column values should be displayed.
GridDimensionColumnDisplayMode Lists values that specify how dimension column values should be displayed.
GridMeasureColumnDisplayMode Lists values that specify how measure column values should be displayed.
GridWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the GridDashboardItem.
HourFormat Lists values that specify format types for hours.
ImageDataBindingMode Lists values that specify the data binding mode for the BoundImageDashboardItem.
ImageHorizontalAlignment Lists values that specify the horizontal alignment of an image displayed in the Image dashboard item.
ImageSizeMode Lists values that specify how an image is positioned within an ImageDashboardItem or BoundImageDashboardItem.
ImageVerticalAlignment Lists values that specify the vertical alignment of an image displayed in the Image dashboard item.
IndicatorType Lists values used to identify delta indicator types.
InspectedType Lists values used to identify the data type in the Data Inspector.
LayoutDimensionMode Lists values that specify how a dashboard surface‘s height or width is calculated.
ListBoxDashboardItemType Lists values that specify the type of the List Box dashboard item.
LogarithmicBase Lists values used to specify a logarithmic base.
MapLegendOrientation Lists the values that specify the legend orientation within the Map dashboard items.
MapLegendPosition Lists the values that specify the legend position within a map.
MonthFormat Lists values that specify format types for months.
OlapDataProviderType Lists values that specify a data provider used to connect to the DashboardOlapDataSource.
OpenHighLowCloseSeriesType Lists values that specify the types of Open-High-Low-Close series.
PieLegendPosition Lists values that specify the position of the legend within the PieDashboardItem.
PieType Lists values that identify PieDashboardItem types.
PieValueType Lists values that identify types of PieDashboardItem values and combinations of these values.
PieWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the PieDashboardItem.
PivotColumnTotalsPosition Lists values that specify the position of column totals/grand totals in the Pivot dashboard item.
PivotLayoutType Lists values that specify the layout type of the Pivot dashboard item.
PivotRowTotalsPosition Lists values that specify the position of row totals/grand totals in the Pivot dashboard item.
PivotValuesPosition Lists values that specify the position of headers used to arrange summary values corresponding to different measures.
PivotWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the PivotDashboardItem.
PointLabelContentType Lists values that identify types of content displayed within series point labels.
PointLabelContentTypeEx Lists values that identify types of content displayed within series point labels.
PointLabelOrientation Lists values used to specify point label orientation.
PointLabelOverlappingMode Lists values used to specify the mode to resolve series point label overlap.
PointLabelPosition Lists values used to specify the point label position.
QuarterFormat Lists values that specify format types for quarters.
RangeFilterWindowDefinitionMode A window definition mode used to specify a window within the RangeFilterDashboardItem.
RangeSeriesType Lists values that specify the types of Range series.
RankOrder A rank order of the RankCalculation.
RankType A rank type of the RankCalculation.
ScatterPointLabelContentType Lists values that identify types of content displayed within point labels.
ShapefileArea Lists values that specify default maps provided by the Dashboard.
SimpleSeriesType Lists values that specify the types of Simple series.
SparklineViewType Lists values used to specify sparkline view types.
SummaryType Lists values that specify the summary function types.
TargetDimensions Lists values that specify data items for which interactivity actions can be performed in a Chart and Pie dashboard items.
TextGroupInterval Lists values that specify the group interval for string values.
TreemapValueType Lists types of values displayed within labels/tooltips of TreemapDashboardItem.
WeightedLegendType Lists values used to specify the type of weighted legend.
YearFormat Lists values that specify format types for years.