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Sparkline Column

  • 2 minutes to read

A sparkline column visualizes the variation of summary values over time.


In code, sparkline columns are represented by the GridSparklineColumn class.

#Data Binding Specifics

The sparkline column is bound to the measure providing sparkline values and to the dimension providing a numeric or date-time interval.


To bind the sparkline column to data in code, do the following.

#Sparkline Options

You can control sparkline appearance settings using the Column Options dialog. To invoke this dialog, click the column type indicator (Grid_ColumnTypeIndicators_SparklineColumn).


In this dialog, you can control various settings that affect how the sparkline is displayed within a grid cell.


Sparkline Options Description API
Show start/end values Species whether to display sparkline start/end values within a grid cell. GridSparklineColumn.ShowStartEndValues
Sparkline view type Defines the view type of a sparkline. Sparkline data points can be represented as area, line, bars, or win and loss squares. SparklineOptions.ViewType
Highlight min/max points Specifies whether to highlight the minimum/maximum points of a sparkline. SparklineOptions.HighlightMinMaxPoints
Highlight start/end points Specifies whether to highlight the start/end points of a sparkline. SparklineOptions.HighlightStartEndPoints

The following code snippet creates the Sparkline column:

var grid = new GridDashboardItem();
grid.DataSource = dataSource;

var gridSparkline = new GridSparklineColumn();
gridSparkline.Measure = new Measure("Count");
gridSparkline.SparklineOptions.ViewType = SparklineViewType.Line;
grid.SparklineArgument = new Dimension("Date", DateTimeGroupInterval.MonthYear);

See Also