MeasureCalculationWindowDefinition Class
Serves as the base class for classes that specify a window definition used to perform calculations within different dashboard items.
Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardCommon
Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Dashboard.Core
public abstract class MeasureCalculationWindowDefinition :
A window definition is used to apply calculations to measure values. To specify a window, create and initialize the required MeasureCalculationWindowDefinition class descendant and assign the resulting object to the Measure.WindowDefinition property.
The code snippet adds a new measure to the Pivot dashboard item and specifies a window calculation to compute the difference between measure values across a window. The calculation is performed along columns of the Pivot dashboard item.
using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardWin;
// ...
PivotDashboardItem pivotItem = dashboardViewer1.Dashboard.Items[pivotItemName] as PivotDashboardItem;
if (pivotItem != null)
Measure extendedPrice = new Measure("Extended Price")
Name = "Diff",
ShowGrandTotals = false
PivotWindowDefinition pivotWindowDefinition = new PivotWindowDefinition();
pivotWindowDefinition.DefinitionMode = PivotWindowDefinitionMode.Columns;
extendedPrice.WindowDefinition = pivotWindowDefinition;
extendedPrice.Calculation = new DifferenceCalculation() { DifferenceType = DifferenceType.Absolute };