AutoCompleteBoxPropertiesBase Properties
Contains the base settings specific to combo box and token box editors.Name | Description |
AllowEllipsisInText | Specifies if the combo box can automatically truncate the item’s text if it doesn’t fit into the item’s width. |
AllowMouseWheel | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an end-user is able to change the editor’s value using the mouse wheel. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
AnimationType | Gets or sets a value specifying the animation type used when the editor’s drop down window is invoked. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
ButtonEditEllipsisImage | Gets the settings which define the ellipsis image displayed within editor buttons. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
Buttons | Gets the collection of editor buttons. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
ButtonStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the editor’s buttons. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
ButtonTemplate | Gets or sets a common template used for rendering the editor’s buttons. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
CallbackPageSize | Specifies the number of items that the control returns from the server on each callback. |
ClearButton | Gets the settings of the editor’s Clear button. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
ClearButtonStyle | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Clear button. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
ClientInstanceName | Specifies the editor’s client programmatic identifier. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
ClientSideEvents | Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the editor. |
ConvertEmptyStringToNull | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether empty string values are converted to a null reference when an inplace editor’s value is retrieved from a data source field. Inherited from EditProperties. |
CssFilePath | Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the editor’s appearance. |
CssPostfix | Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the editor. |
CustomButtonsPosition | Specifies the position of custom control buttons relative to the input element. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
DataMember | Gets or sets a specific data member in a multimember data source to bind to the editor. |
DataSecurityMode | Gets or sets whether users can enter and select values that do not exist in the Items collection. |
DataSource | Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound editor retrieves its list of data items. |
DataSourceID | Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound editor retrieves its list of data items. |
DisplayFormatInEditMode | Gets or sets a value specifying whether a format pattern defined via the EditPropertiesBase.DisplayFormatString property should be applied to the editor value displayed in the edit mode of a complex data control (e.g. ASPxGridView). Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
DisplayFormatString | Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
DisplayImageSpacing | Gets or sets the amount of space between a display image and text. |
DropDownApplyButton | Gets the settings of the ‘Apply’ command buttons in dropdown editors. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
DropDownButton | Gets the settings of the editor’s drop down button. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
DropDownCloseButton | Gets the settings of the ‘Close’ command buttons in dropdown editors. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
DropDownHeight | Gets or sets the height of the editor’s dropdown window. |
DropDownRows | Gets or sets the number of list items displayed within the editor’s scrollable dropdown window simultaneously. |
DropDownWidth | Gets or sets the width of the editor’s dropdown window. |
EnableAnimation | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a specific animation effect is used when the editor’s drop down window is invoked. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
EnableCallbackMode | Specifies whether the editor loads data source items from the server on a callback. |
EnableClientSideAPI | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor can be manipulated on the client side via code. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
EnableDefaultAppearance | Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
EnableFocusedStyle | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an editor in a focused state is displayed with predefined style settings. Inherited from EditProperties. |
EnableIncrementalFiltering | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the incremental filtering behavior is available for the editor. |
EnableSynchronization | Gets or sets whether to update the Items collection on the server once you add or remove an item on the client. |
EncodeHtml | Gets or sets whether to encode cell values in a column/row.. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
FilterMinLength | Gets or sets a value that defines the minimum length for the filter string input, after which filtering operations are initiated. |
FocusedStyle | Gets the style settings which define an editor’s appearance in the focused state. Inherited from EditProperties. |
Height | Gets or sets the editor’s height. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
HelpText | Gets or sets the current editor help text. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
HelpTextSettings | Provides access to an editor’s help text settings. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
HelpTextStyle | Gets the style settings that define an editor’s help text appearance. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
ImageUrlField | Gets or sets the data source field that provides image locations for the editor’s items. |
IncrementalFilteringDelay | Specifies the time interval after which the editor filters items. |
IncrementalFilteringMode | Gets or sets a value that specifies the filtering mode of the editor. |
InvalidStyle | Gets the style settings which define an editor’s appearance in the invalid state. Inherited from EditProperties. |
ItemImage | Gets the settings of the common image displayed by all the items in the editor. |
Items | Gets the collection of items displayed in the editor’s dropdown window. |
ItemStyle | Gets the style settings for all items in the editor. |
ItemTemplate | Gets or sets a common template used for displaying the content of all items within the combo box and token box. |
ListBoxStyle | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s dropdown list. |
LoadDropDownOnDemand | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the HTML code that represents the editor’s drop-down window should be loaded via a callback on demand. |
MaxLength | Gets or sets the maximum number of characters an end user can enter into the editor. Inherited from TextBoxPropertiesBase. |
NullDisplayText | Gets or sets the text displayed within the editor’s edit region when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
NullText | Gets or sets the prompt text displayed within the editor’s input box when the editor is not focused and its value is null. |
NullTextDisplayMode | Specifies when the null text is visible in the editor. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
NullTextStyle | Gets the style settings for the editor’s edit box and prompt text, when the editor is not focused and its text is null. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
ParentImages | This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
ParentSkinOwner | For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
ParentStyles | This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
Password | This property is not in effect for the DropDownEditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
PopupHorizontalAlign | Gets or sets a drop down window‘s horizontal alignment. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
PopupVerticalAlign | Gets or sets a drop down window‘s vertical alignment. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
ReadOnlyStyle | Gets style settings for the read-only editor state. Inherited from EditProperties. |
RenderIFrameForPopupElements | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s dropdown window is displayed above Java applets that may present on the web page. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
SelectInputTextOnClick | Specifies whether to select all text within the editor when it is focused. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
SettingsAdaptivity | Provides access to the dropdown editors’ adaptivity settings. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
ShowShadow | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s drop down window casts a shadow. Inherited from DropDownEditPropertiesBase. |
Spacing | Gets or sets the spacing between the editor’s elements. Inherited from ButtonEditPropertiesBase. |
Style | Gets the style settings defining the editor appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase. |
TextField | Gets or sets the data source field that provides display texts for the editor’s items. |
TextFormatString | Gets or sets the pattern used to format the selected item’s text displayed within the editor’s edit box. |
ValidationSettings | Gets the editor’s validation settings. Inherited from EditProperties. |
ValueField | Specifies the data source field that contains values for the editor’s items. |
Width | Gets or sets the editor’s width. Inherited from TextEditProperties. |
See Also