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ASPxGridViewResizingSettings.ColumnResizeMode Property

Specifies how columns are resized when a user changes a column’s width.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public ColumnResizeMode ColumnResizeMode { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description
ColumnResizeMode Disabled

One of the enumeration values.

Available values:

Name Description

End-users are not allowed to resize columns.


When a user resizes a column, the control changes its width and does not resize other columns.



When a user resizes a column, the control changes the width of its neighbor columns. The control’s width is not changed.


#Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Library Object Type Path to ColumnResizeMode
ASP.NET MVC Extensions GridViewSettings
.SettingsResizing .ColumnResizeMode
.SettingsResizing .ColumnResizeMode
ASP.NET Web Forms Controls ASPxGridView
.SettingsResizing .ColumnResizeMode
.SettingsResizing .ColumnResizeMode


Users can drag the edges of the column headers to resize columns.


Run Demo: ASPxGridView - Resize columns Run Demo: MVCxGridView - Resize Columns

The ColumnResizeMode property specifies the ASPxGridView control behavior when users resize a column.

Note that the grid requires at least one non-fixed column to resize columns. If all grid columns have fixed widths (in pixels), the most right column’s width becomes relative.

When the ShowColumnHeaders property is set to false, the ColumnResizeMode property is ignored and column resizing is disabled.

To learn more about column resizing, see the following topic: Resize Columns

grid.SettingsResizing.ColumnResizeMode = ColumnResizeMode.NextColumn;
See Also