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UnboundSiteMapProvider Members

Represents an unbound site map provider that can hold and generate site map data.


Name Description
UnboundSiteMapProvider() Initializes a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapProvider class.
UnboundSiteMapProvider(String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapProvider class with the specified settings.
UnboundSiteMapProvider(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapProvider class with the specified settings.
UnboundSiteMapProvider(String) Initializes a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapProvider class with the specified setting.

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Name Description
CurrentNode Gets the SiteMapNode object that represents the currently requested page. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
Description Gets a brief, friendly description suitable for display in administrative tools or other user interfaces (UIs). Inherited from ProviderBase.
EnableLocalization Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether localized values of SiteMapNode attributes are returned. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
EnableRoles Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ASP.NET role management feature is enabled. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
Name Gets the friendly name used to refer to the provider during configuration. Inherited from ProviderBase.
ParentProvider Gets or sets the parent SiteMapProvider object of the current provider. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
ResourceKey Get or sets the resource key that is used for localizing SiteMapNode attributes. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
RootNode Gets the root node of the site map. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
RootProvider Gets the root SiteMapProvider object in the current provider hierarchy. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
SecurityTrimmingEnabled Gets a Boolean value indicating whether a site map provider filters site map nodes based on a user’s role. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
SiteMapFileName Gets or sets the path to the file that contains the site map data. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.

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Name Description
AddNode(SiteMapNode) protected Adds a SiteMapNode object to the node collection that is maintained by the site map provider. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
AddSiteMapNode(SiteMapNode, SiteMapNode) Adds a SiteMapNode object to the collections that are maintained by the current provider. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
AddSiteMapNode(SiteMapNode) Adds a SiteMapNode object to the node collection that is maintained by the current provider. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
Clear() Removes all elements in the collections of child and parent site map nodes and site map providers that the UnboundSiteMapProviderBase object internally tracks as part of its state. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
CloneSiteMapNode(SiteMapNode) Clones the specified site map node. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
CreateNode(String, String, String, IList, NameValueCollection) Creates a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapNode class with the specified settings. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
CreateNode(String, String, String, IList) Creates a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapNode class with the specified settings. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
CreateNode(String, String, String) Creates a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapNode class with the specified settings. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
CreateNode(String, String) Creates a new instance of the UnboundSiteMapNode class with the specified settings. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindSiteMapNode(String) Returns a site map node object that represents the page at the specified URL.
FindSiteMapNode(HttpContext) Retrieves a SiteMapNode object that represents the currently requested page using the specified HttpContext object. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(String) Returns a site map node object based on a specified key.
GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode) Retrieves the child site map nodes of a specific site map node object. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
GetCurrentNodeAndHintAncestorNodes(Int32) Provides an optimized lookup method for site map providers when retrieving the node for the currently requested page and fetching the parent and ancestor site map nodes for the current page. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
GetCurrentNodeAndHintNeighborhoodNodes(Int32, Int32) Provides an optimized lookup method for site map providers when retrieving the node for the currently requested page and fetching the site map nodes in the proximity of the current node. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetParentNode(SiteMapNode) Retrieves the parent node of a specific site map node object. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
GetParentNodeRelativeToCurrentNodeAndHintDownFromParent(Int32, Int32) Provides an optimized lookup method for site map providers when retrieving an ancestor node for the currently requested page and fetching the descendant nodes for the ancestor. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
GetParentNodeRelativeToNodeAndHintDownFromParent(SiteMapNode, Int32, Int32) Provides an optimized lookup method for site map providers when retrieving an ancestor node for the specified SiteMapNode object and fetching its child nodes. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
GetRootNodeCoreFromProvider(SiteMapProvider) protected static Retrieves the root node of all the nodes that are currently managed by the specified site map provider. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HintAncestorNodes(SiteMapNode, Int32) Provides a method that site map providers can override to perform an optimized retrieval of one or more levels of parent and ancestor nodes, relative to the specified SiteMapNode object. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
HintNeighborhoodNodes(SiteMapNode, Int32, Int32) Provides a method that site map providers can override to perform an optimized retrieval of nodes found in the proximity of the specified node. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
Initialize(String, NameValueCollection) Initializes the UnboundSiteMapProviderBaseobject. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
IsAccessibleToUser(HttpContext, SiteMapNode) Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the specified SiteMapNode object can be viewed by the user in the specified context. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
LoadFromFile(String) Loads the site map data from the specified file into the current provider. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
LoadFromStream(Stream) Loads the site map data from the specified stream into the current provider. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveSiteMapNode(SiteMapNode) Removes the specified SiteMapNode object from all node collections of the provider. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
ResolveSiteMapNode(HttpContext) protected Raises the SiteMapResolve event. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
SaveToFile(String) Saves the site map data, held by the provider, to the specified file. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
SaveToStream(Stream) Saves the site map data, held by the provider, to the specified stream. Inherited from UnboundSiteMapProviderBase.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

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Name Description
SiteMapResolve Occurs when the CurrentNode property is called. Inherited from SiteMapProvider.
See Also