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PopupControlAdaptivitySettings Properties

Contains the settings that relate to the ASPxPopupControl‘s adaptivity settings.
Name Description
FixedFooter Gets or sets whether the footer is fixed on the bottom while scrolling the popup window in adaptive mode.
FixedHeader Gets or sets whether the header is fixed on the top while scrolling the popup window in adaptive mode.
HorizontalAlign Gets or sets the value that defines the horizontal alignment of the popup window in adaptive mode.
MaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of the popup window in adaptive mode.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of the popup window in adaptive mode.
MinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of the popup window in adaptive mode.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width of the popup window in adaptive mode.
Mode Specifies the adaptivity mode for the popup window.
SwitchAtWindowInnerWidth Gets or sets a value that defines the browser window inner width when the popup window switches from adaptive mode to regular mode.
VerticalAlign Gets or sets the value that defines the vertical alignment of the popup window in adaptive mode.
See Also