GridColumnNumericRangeSpinEditSettings Properties
Contains settings that relate to spin editors displayed in the header filter.Name | Description |
DecimalPlaces | Specifies the number of decimal places to display for the numbers in the spin editor. |
DisplayFormatString | Specifies the pattern that formats the editor value for display purposes. |
Increment | Specifies the amount by which the spin editor’s value is changed when a user clicks a small increment/decrement spin button. |
LargeIncrement | Specifies the amount by which the spin editor’s value is changed when a user clicks a large increment/decrement spin button. |
MaxValue | Specifies the editor’s maximum value. |
MinValue | Specifies the editor’s minimum value. |
ShowIncrementButtons | Specifies whether the spin editor displays small increment buttons. |
ShowLargeIncrementButtons | Specifies whether the spin editor displays large increment buttons. |
See Also