EditorImages Properties
Contains settings that allow images to be defined for specific elements of editors.Name | Description |
BinaryImageDeleteButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the binary image’s Delete button. |
BinaryImageOpenDialogButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the binary image’s Open Dialog button. |
ButtonEditClearButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Clear button element. |
ButtonEditEllipsis | For internal use only. |
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElement | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the back-element used to return to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header. |
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElementRtl | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the back-element used to return to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header when the calendar is in RTL mode. |
CalendarFastNavNextYear | For internal use only. |
CalendarFastNavPrevYear | For internal use only. |
CalendarNextLargePeriod | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s >> button element. |
CalendarNextPeriod | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. |
CalendarPrevLargePeriod | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s << button element. |
CalendarPrevPeriod | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. |
CheckBoxChecked | Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the checked state. |
CheckBoxGrayed | Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the grayed state. |
CheckBoxUnchecked | Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the unchecked state. |
CheckBoxUndefined | Obsolete. Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the undefined (grayed) state. |
DateEditTimeSectionClockFace | Gets the settings of an image that defines a ClockFace. |
DateEditTimeSectionHourHand | Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock hour hand. |
DateEditTimeSectionMinuteHand | Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock minute hand. |
DateEditTimeSectionSecondHand | Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock second hand. |
DropDownApplyButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Apply button element. |
DropDownCloseButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Close button element. |
DropDownEditDropDown | For internal use only. |
ImageEmpty | For internal use only. |
ImageFolder | Gets or sets the path to the folder that contains images used by a control. Inherited from ImagesBase. |
ListBoxFilter | Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the filter button in the list box. |
ListBoxHideFilter | Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter. |
ListBoxHideFilterRtl | Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter when the list box is in RTL mode. |
ListEditItem | For internal use only. |
LoadingPanel | Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Loading Panel. Inherited from ImagesBase. |
RadioButtonChecked | Provides access to the settings that define an image of a radio button in the checked state. |
RadioButtonUnchecked | Provides access to the settings that define an image of radio buttons in the unchecked state. |
RadioButtonUndefined | Obsolete. For internal use only. |
SpinEditDecrement | For internal use only. |
SpinEditIncrement | For internal use only. |
SpinEditLargeDecrement | For internal use only. |
SpinEditLargeIncrement | For internal use only. |
SpriteCssFilePath | Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the control’s sprite image settings. Inherited from ImagesBase. |
SpriteImageUrl | Gets or sets the path to a sprite image. Inherited from ImagesBase. |
TrackBarDecrementButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the decrement button. |
TrackBarIncrementButton | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the increment button. |
TrackBarMainDragHandle | Gets the settings of an image displayed in the main drag handle. |
TrackBarSecondaryDragHandle | Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the secondary drag handle. |
See Also