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CardViewStyles Properties
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Contains settings that allow you to define the appearance of the ASPxCardView‘s visual elements.
Name Description
BatchEditCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a grid edit cell in batch edit mode.
BatchEditDeletedCard Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a card when it is deleted in batch edit mode.
BatchEditModifiedCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a grid data cell when it is modified in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNewCard Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a card newly created in batch edit mode.
BreakpointsCard Gets the style settings used to paint a card when the Card View is in Breakpoints layout mode.
Card Gets the style settings used to paint a card.
CardError Gets the style settings used to paint the error row.
CardHotTrack Gets the style settings used to paint a card when it is hot tracked.
CommandItem Gets the style settings used to paint a command item.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase.
Disabled Gets the style settings used to paint the ASPxCardView when it is disabled.
EditFormCard Gets the style settings used to paint the card currently being edited.
EmptyCard Gets the style settings used to paint the empty card.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
FilterBar Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar.
FilterBarCheckBoxCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the check box.
FilterBarClearButtonCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the Clear button.
FilterBarExpressionCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the current filter expression.
FilterBarImageCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the filter image.
FilterBarLink Gets the style settings used to paint links (filter expression, clear filter command) displayed within the filter bar.
FlowCard Gets the style settings used to paint cards when ASPxCardView in flow layout mode.
FocusedCard Gets the style settings used to paint the currently focused card.
FocusedCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a focused cell.
GroupRow Gets the style settings used to paint group rows.
Header Gets the style settings used to paint column headers.
HeaderPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the Header Panel.
LoadingDiv Gets the style settings used to paint a rectangle displayed above the ASPxCardView while waiting for a callback response.
LoadingPanel Provides style settings for a loading panel that can be displayed while waiting for a callback response.
PagerBottomPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the Pager bottom panel.
PagerTopPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the Pager top panel.
SearchPanel Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the search panel.
SelectedCard Gets the style settings used to paint selected cards.
StatusBar Gets the style settings used to paint the Status Bar.
SummaryItem Gets the style settings used to paint summary items.
SummaryPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the summary panel.
Table Gets the style settings used to paint the table that represents the ASPxCardView.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase.
TitlePanel Gets the style settings used to paint the Title Panel.
See Also