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ASPxGridViewExportRenderingEventArgs Properties

Provides data for the ASPxGridViewExporter.RenderBrick event.
Name Description
BrickStyle Gets the style settings used to paint report bricks.
Column Gets a data column that corresponds to the processed grid element.
ImageValue Gets or sets an array of bytes that contains the processed brick’s image.
KeyValue Gets the processed row’s key.
RowType Gets the processed row’s type.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed within the brick currently being rendered.
TextValue Gets or sets the processed brick’s value.
Url Gets or sets the rendered brick’s URL.
Value Gets the processed data cell’s value.
VisibleIndex Gets the processed row’s visible index.
XlsExportNativeFormat Specifies the format settings that are applied to a document when it is exported to XLS format.
XlsxFormatString Specifies the format string applied to the processed brick’s value when exporting to Excel format (XLS or XLSX).
See Also