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TcxCustomEditButton.HotTrackMode Property

Specifies the active hot-track mode.


property HotTrackMode: TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode read; write; default TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.Default;

#Property Value

Type Default Description
TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode Default

The active hot-track mode.


A hot-track effect helps users track the current mouse pointer position and differentiate uniform UI elements. An editor button can display a hot-track effect when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the button if the Transparent property is set to False.

VCL Editors Library: A Hot-Track Effect Example

You can use the HotTrackMode property to change the editor button’s hot-track behavior.

#Property Value Examples

The following table demonstrates the difference between all hot-track modes under the same conditions:

Value Description Example[1]
TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.Default An editor button displays a hot-track effect when a user hovers the mouse pointer directly over the button. VCL Editors Library: The Default Hot-Track Mode
TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.Editor An editor button displays a hot-track effect when the mouse pointer is within the editor client area. VCL Editors Library: The Editor Hot-Track Mode
TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.None An editor button never displays a hot-track effect in this mode. VCL Editors Library: The Hot-Track Effect is Disabled

#Hot-Track Effect Appearance

The hot-track effect color depends on the parent editor’s look & feel settings. In addition, you can handle the parent editor’s Properties.OnButtonGlyphDrawParameters event to change the button’s glyph appearance in the hot-tracked state.

#Code Example: Create Editor Buttons with Custom Functionality

The code example below demonstrates OnButtonClick and OnCreate event handlers.

The application form’s OnCreate event handler creates two additional embedded buttons in a TcxButtonEdit control and configures the appearance and behavior of all embedded buttons. The OnButtonClick event handler associates all created buttons with the editor’s functionality.


This example uses a TcxImageList component with three SVG icons as a source of glyphs for the created buttons.

procedure TMyForm.cxButtonEdit1PropertiesButtonClick(Sender: TObject;
  AButtonIndex: Integer);
  AEditor: TcxButtonEdit;
  AEditor := Sender as TcxButtonEdit;
  if AButtonIndex = 0 then  // The first button clears the editor
  else if AButtonIndex = 1 then  // The second button selects content
  else if AButtonIndex = 2 then  // The third button hides or reveals content
    if AEditor.Properties.EchoMode = eemNormal then
      AEditor.Properties.EchoMode := eemPassword
      AEditor.Properties.EchoMode := eemNormal;

procedure TMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AProperties: TcxButtonEditProperties;
  I: Integer;
  cxButtonEdit1.ShowHint := True;  // Enables hints for the editor
  AProperties := cxButtonEdit1.Properties;
  AProperties.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
    AProperties.Images := cxImageList1;  // Assigns the source of button glyphs
    // Create two additional buttons
    // Specify common button settings
    for I := 0 to AProperties.Buttons.Count - 1 do
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[I].Kind := bkGlyph;  // Changes the button content type to "glyph"
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[I].ImageIndex := I;  // Specifies image indexes in the source list
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[I].HotTrackMode := TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.Editor;
    // Specify unique button settings
    AProperties.Buttons.Items[0].Hint := 'Clear';
    AProperties.Buttons.Items[1].Hint := 'Select All';
    AProperties.Buttons.Items[2].Hint := 'Hide/Reveal';
    AProperties.Buttons.Items[2].LeftAlignment := True;
    AProperties.Buttons.Items[2].Transparent := True;
    AProperties.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

VCL Editors Library: An Editor with Three Custom Buttons

#Default Value

The HotTrackMode property’s default value is TcxEditButtonHotTrackMode.Default.

  1. These examples demonstrate all possible HotTrackMode property values for the same button editor with one embedded button under the following conditions:

See Also