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ImageGalleryFullscreenViewerImages Properties
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Contains settings that allow images to be defined for the fullscreen viewer‘s specific elements.
Name Description
CloseButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within the close button.
ImageFolder Gets or sets the path to the folder that contains images used by a control. Inherited from ImagesBase.
LoadingPanel Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Loading Panel. Inherited from ImagesBase.
NavigationBarMarker Gets the settings of an image displayed within the navigation bar marker.
NextButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within the next navigation button.
PauseButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within a pause button.
PlayButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within a play button.
PrevButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within the previous navigation button.
SpriteCssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the control’s sprite image settings. Inherited from ImagesBase.
SpriteImageUrl Gets or sets the path to a sprite image. Inherited from ImagesBase.
See Also