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Html5VideoObjectProperties Properties
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Provides settings for HTML5 video objects.
Name Description
AutoPlay Specifies if a media file will start playing automatically. Inherited from Html5ObjectPropertiesBase.
Loop Specifies if a media file repeats indefinitely, or stops when it reaches the last frame. Inherited from Html5ObjectPropertiesBase.
Muted Specifies if a media file output should be muted Inherited from Html5ObjectPropertiesBase.
PosterUrl Specifies a URL to an image that is shown while the video file is downloading, or until an end-user clicks the play button.
PreloadMode Specifies how a media file should be loaded when the page loads. Inherited from Html5ObjectPropertiesBase.
ShowControls Specifies if the media player controls should be displayed. Inherited from Html5ObjectPropertiesBase.
See Also