GridViewCommandColumn.ButtonType Property
Use the Button
Specifies the type of the command buttons for the current command column.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
[Obsolete("Use the ButtonRenderMode property instead.")]
public GridCommandButtonRenderMode ButtonType { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Grid |
Default | One of the Grid |
Available values:
Name | Description |
Default | The command item render mode depends on the command column’s and grid settings. If these settings are set to Default, the command button is rendered as a link. |
Link | The command item is rendered as a link. |
Image | The command item is rendered as an image. |
Button | The command item is rendered as a button. |
Danger | The button indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action. |
Outline | A button with a colored border and without a background color. |
Secondary | A button of secondary importance. |
Use the ButtonType property to specify which button types will be used to render command buttons in the current command column. If the property is set to Default, the column button type depends upon the GridViewCommandButtonSettings.ButtonType property value.