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GridColumnDateRangePickerSettings Properties

Serves as a base for classes that contain settings related to a date range picker displayed in the header filter of grid-like controls.
Name Description
CalendarColumnCount Specifies the number of months displayed in the header filter’s drop-down calendars.
ClearButtonText Gets or sets the clear button text.
DisabledDates Provides access to a collection of dates disabled in the header filter’s date range picker.
DisplayFormatString Specifies the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes.
EditFormatString Specifies the pattern used to format the editor’s edited value displayed in the edit box.
FastNavProperties Specifies the settings of the fast navigation panel in the header filter’s date range picker.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of the week.
MaxDate Specifies the maximum date allowed to be selected in the header filter’s date range picker by an end-user.
MaxDayCount Specifies the maximum number of days in a range.
MinDate Specifies the minimum date allowed to be selected in the header filter’s date range picker by an end-user.
MinDayCount Specifies the minimum number of days in a range.
PickerType Specifies a date component that a user can select (a day, month, decade or year).
TodayButtonText Gets or sets the today button text.
See Also